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Monday, September 30, 2013

Autumn Glory

Just under the Wire

Thanks for coming by!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Autumn Colours

I made this cus I love Autumn colours for
even though I'm spending every waking moment 
getting ready to travel up north with a good friend
for an Art Journalling Weekend.

Woo Hoo!

It's going to be a blast.

So thanks for coming by and I'll see you after the weekend.
With a big smile on my face.

Over and Out.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This week's theme is Your Choice
The photo is one I took on a trip to Cuba and the quote
is by Germaine Greer.
(It's kind of my mantra)

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Challenge #166 at
So into my Halloween drawer I went...
And since  October 31st is pretty much my favoritest holiday of all,
I was thrilled (get it, thrilled?, mwahahahaha....)
by this thrilling theme.
I made ATC's,
Well, I actually made them for a swap, but what the hey,
Boo is Boo, right?

Did I mention I have a Halloween drawer?
Oh, I did?
Well, never mind that, this is
just the beginning.
You have until Saturday, October 5th 
to link up with us 
and that gives you
plenty of time to make something scary
and still put your parka 
over your Halloween costume 
(if you're Canadian) 
and get out there with a pillowcase
just begging to be filled with sugary goodness.  

See you there!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


We're moving into the prettiest month, IMHO.

Thankls for coming by, I'll see you over at

Inchies-changing of Seasons

I have some really good friends with whom I have been exchanging Inchies.
I like Inchies.
I could make Inchies all day.
If I didn't have to work.

First, we did SUMMER:
and now we're doing AUTUMN:
 I'll see you when the snow flies.

Have a funny day.
Unless you have other plans.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekend Reflections

has been around for four years now!
I, on the other hand, have only just discovered it.
I hope you discover it too!
The leaves are turning...

The Weekend in Black and White

It seems by the time the weekend comes around, 
all I have energy for is to visit a few blogs and post a photo or two.
I sure do appreciate your visit though!

So this is for
Have a great weekend, full of colour!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tag #4 - Masculine

for the
It's also for the current challenge at my 

That's two places I may run into you.
See you around, and thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


for this week's
It's based on a song by Bob Dylan.
Credits:  Maya de Groot, Bonnie Zeiman,
my own photos from Thailand.

Thanks for coming by, I love when you visit!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Our World Tuesday

Our picnic spot.
I like that this is only 1/2 hour away from where I live.
Like is sweet.

Jingle Belle Vintage

It's kind of hard to tell, but I cut out the window panes 
and put my image behind the window.
Then I wrapped a sheet of acrylic over top of the cards 
and put little puffs of snow on it.
And some snow along the window panes.
The Sentiment was cut from another vintage card.
A spring of holly
(vintage plastic - lol)
And another card is done.

You know you still have time to get all your cards done before December.
check it out,
You won't regret it!

And thanks for stopping by!

Polka Dots

It's a fun new challenge site, if you haven't 
checked it out yet, you should already!!
It's gotten me off the computer and back into my paper goodies.
Don't ya just love that Halloween is on the horizon?
I'm in the zone...........

Credits:  mainly the owl who is by Hidden Vintage Studios.
the roses are by Recollections, 
the dotted black paper is Graphic 45,
 and that curly spiderweb came in a parcel 
full of goodies from my friend Sonya.
I think I love that the most.

Thanks for stopping by.


I didn't even come NEAR my puter this weekend.
And I forgot that I had made some pieces for some challenges. 
 So better late than never, right?

credits:  Rhonna Ferrer, amanda Firjo-Tobin, 
Sissy sparrows, Gecko Galz

Thanks for stopping by!

Show Biz

The star is my grandson.
Credits for the rest of the elements go to
Karla Dudley, Gecko Galz, Karla Dudley
Beth Rimmer and Bonnie Zeiman.
Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Renaissance Woman

(I hope I spelt "Renaissance correctly?)
credits:  Amanda Sok, Studio Manu, Biograffiti,
Gecko Galz, and the Gilded Bee.

I'm so glad you came by.
Good night now.

Our World Tuesday

This is my world today.
What's yours like?


I simply used one of my own photos for this one.
other credits:  Amanda Sok, Angie Briggs, 
Jacelen Deinema, Bonnie Zeiman and Angelcloud Art Room

Thanks for coming over, see you at


The new theme at
I just happoened to have one of their gorgeous collage sheets 
and it was only a matter
of picking which image from it that I wanted to use.
 I added elements by New Life Designs, Kim Klassen and 
Studio Rosey Posey.
And we're done!

YOu should go and check out their cool collage sheets-
you'll be glad you did!

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Have you participated in the new challenge blog yet?
It's called
and it's delightful!
This week the theme is BIRDS and it only took me a 
few minutes to throw something together...
 Why don't you join in?
See you over there!
And thanks for coming by! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


for this week's

Thanks for coming by, I always love to see you!


for this week's

credits:  Sissy Sparrows, Lisa's Altered Art, Berna Datema, 
Finecrafted Designs, Bonnie Zeiman, and Cajoline.

Thanks for stopping by, I'll see you at 

Saturday, September 7, 2013


for this week's
credits: Gecko Galz, Bonnie Zeiman, Dido Designs, 
Karla Dudley and Holliewood Studios

Thanks for stopping by!


The brand new Challenge #165 at
We are inviting you to join us in creating 
something with the theme
Cityscape in mind.
Let your imagination go wild!
I started with a cityscape
by Beth Rimmer and went from there:
credits: Beth Rimmer, Brandy Hackman,
Tumblefish Studios,
Bluesse, Holliewood Studios, and Berna Datema

Does it convey my angst (that's such a great word)
 at some of the challenges of a big city?

But I continued on, on a more (I hope) positive note:

All elements used here are by Beth Rimmer.

Please come on over to
and play along with us.
We have fun.
You know we do.

You have until the end of 
Saturday, September 21st to link up with your
citified creation.

We look forward to seeing what you create!

A Single Flower with a Minimalist Design

We have wonderful news at
Please help me welcome our friend
to our Design Team!

You are going to love her style of creativity, if you don't already.
And she has given us a brand new challenge theme to work
for the month of September:
 A Single Flower with a Minimalist Design
 credits:  Sissy Sparrows, Jagged Touch Studios, Tangie Baxter

Please come on over to see what the rest of the Design Team 
has created to inspire you and remember to always

Friday, September 6, 2013

Weekend Reflections

The Weekend in Black and White

Fortunately this photo is not of THIS weekend.
It's a shot of an area where I work that was flooded-this is all supposed to be dry land.
It's under about 5 feet of rushing water.
I was going through my pics and this caught me up short.
Now all that's left is the rebuilding.
I prefer dry.
No doubt about it.

Thanks for coming by.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday


Credits: Sissy Sparrows

Thanks for wandering over here!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wooden You?

The September Readers Art Quest Challenge #1 is
Just create something with wood in it.
It just so happens, I picked up
a wooden owl at Mikey's one day, 70% off or something
a while ago, and
it's been hooting at me ever since to do something with it.
I think she looks rather Unruly, don't you?
I shall name her Matilda.

All of Matilda's parts are very bold and very old from my stash, 
so I can't give any credits.
Kind of like me.

Thanks for coming by,
be sure to check out

Our World Tuesday

That's what I did this weekend.
How about you?

JIngle Sketch

I am so proud of myself.
I managed to make a
Christmas card for the
challenge before the challenge was over!
I hope you're impressed.
And I even like it!
Life is good.

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Vintage Tag Along

In my blurfing, I discovered a brand new
challenge site called
So, even though I barely keep up with the challenges 
I like to participate in already
and even though there are a gazillion things I should be doing
instead of making tags,
I played along.
Lady is by Lisa's Altered Art
Vintage postcard - Prima
The rest?  My endless stash.

Thanks for stopping by,
I hope you're having an awesome long weekend.


My own photo with wordart by Anna Aspnes

Thanks for stopping by!