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Monday, January 31, 2011

Can't talk. Too late. Past my bedtime.

Challenge #88-Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
The little tot and her chickens are from clipart by Lisa's Altered Art.
Before the kid got hold of them, that is.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One World, One Heart begins today!

It's time!
The fifth and final One World One Heart
I have a giveaway as a participant!
Here it is:
It was kind of hard to photograph.
What it is, is
Some pink things to hang on your wall, a pink mini-carry-all, pink ribbons, flowers, fun flock, pen, stamp (well, that's clear, not pink) and all sorts of pink goodness.
All you have to do to win this is comment on this post.
I will draw for the winner on February 17, 2011 and announce the winner that day.

(Oh yeah, while you're here, don't forget to feed Lucy.  Let's see if we can fatten her up over the next 18 days!!)

Over 900 bloggers are taking part in this event and you can meet each and every one of them.  The majority of my bloggy-buddies, I met through One World, One Heart 2010.
Expand your horizons and make some new friends.
Check it out!

I'm caught up in my blurfing

so I made this for Peggy's Friday Foto Collage Challenge.
It's my parents on their wedding day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christmas gift for my daughter

My darling girl always says "How come you never make me anything cool, Mom?"
So I did.
and I'm just getting around to posting it for you to see.  I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.
In case you don't know, all the papers are from Graphics 45.  Oh, I LOVE their stuff.

Remember the Titanic?

Well, of course you don't, you're WAAAAY too young.
For this tag, I used an image provided by Jeannette of Soartful Challenges.
The background is the weathered wood grunge technique from Tim Holtz' Compendium of Curiosities book
Here is a closer look:
.I won't tell you how it's done, but it's in his book.  Wander on over to StudioL3 and see lots more wonderful examples of this technique.
I'm leaving now.  See you over there!

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Home

and creating again.  Gee whiz, I found it hard to not be able to make anything the week I was away. So I shopped instead. lol
Today I combined a couple of challenges and came up with this:
It's an ATC for the Order of the Opus Gluei Challenge #87 Key to My Heart and for Art Creations Friday Challenge #102.
I call it "Why Do I Have To Do All The Heavy Lifting In This Relationship?"
It's good to be home.

(Added later)
When I went over to Art Creations Friday to post my link to the above photo, I scrolled down and learned that I had missed THIS
part of the instructions for this week's challenge.
(sometimes I wonder how I got to be the age I am)
(as my mother liked to say dismissively)
is my second attempt, using ALL of the parts I was supposed to use in the first place.
Can you believe me sometimes?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Friday Foto Collage

Isn't she cute? She's the image I've used from Friday Foto Collage this week.
is her re-incarceration.
In case you think I don't care about my blog anymore, I will tell you that for the last week, I have been 1000 miles away from home, dealing with some family stuff.  I fly home this evening, so the plan is to get back on track blurfing at all my friends' blogs.
Until then................ 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Did you know?

that today is 
Having said that, this is my creation for Take A Word's BOTANICAL Challenge for the week.
Now go pop some bubble wrap.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Artful Bag Challenge

Frosted Petunias is hosting The Artful Bag Challenge and this is my first creation for the month of January.

I think I'm going to like this.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Under The Sea

This is for Dezinaworld's Spot Prize Challenge
The woman is from Dezinaworld, I've added shells from Sum of All Crafts, and I've used Walter Crane's Neptune's Horses for the background.
They've all kind of been changed up a bit.
I hope you like it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friday Fill In

1. So many of us _sell ourselves short_.
2. _Have faith_ even in hardship.
3. Those who are accepting of _their own defects are happier than the rest _.
4. _I'm not sure what_ is waiting quietly.
5. Light is in both the _hallway and the bathroom_.
6. _I'm appreciative_ of all that is ordinary.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _packing and getting some sleep_, tomorrow my plans include _getting up at 3 AM to catch a plane_ and Sunday, I want to _take the ferry back to the mainland_.

There are more here.
Have a good weekend.


You know, when I first saw this blog, I struggled with how to pronounce the name.
"Soortful?" "Sortful"?
It wasn't until a week later that I realized it's "So-ART-Ful". 
Repeat after me:  So-Art-Ful.
This week's image and challenge are The Artful Journal .
I didn't do an artful journal, I did something else. 
 Just because sometimes I don't follow directions so well.
I made an artful statement.

So there.
The background paper is by Valerie of Sum of All Crafts.  Isn't it gorgous?
Bye, bye.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Make a Scene

If you know me at all, you're probably thinking I made a scene in the grocery store or something.
Not true.
I made a scene for my good buddies at The Order of The Opus Gluei.  Challenge 86: Make a scene.  See, I'm not off my meds, if that's what you're thinking to yourself.

It's actually a page for my art journal, not a political statement.
But I think it's really about me.  I wish I had long flowing hair like that.  I wish I had a pet lion.  I wish I had golden wings.  I wish a had a waist.  Woulda, shoulda, coulda.
But it could happen.


Each week, the Stamping Ground hosts What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?.
It's a polite way of snooping into other's studios.  I love it.   What am I working on right now?  this:

OK, that's not EXACTLY true.  I'm not working on it right now.  I started it a week ago and life has interrupted.  I haven't been able to create as much as I normally like to.
I haven't been able to blurf AT ALL. :-(
  Oh, well, it all passes, eventually.
I'm trying to make something
"snowlike" on the white page.  I think it's working.  What do you think?

Here are the page I have ready to scrapbook.  The way I do it is;
1. I sort my photos
2. I match them with the papers.
3. I pull out the odd embellies.
4.  At some point, much much later, I go through them one by one and work my mojo on them.
It works for me.
There must be a hundred in that stack.
Maybe I should quit my job.
Yeah!  That'll work!
(and then I can scrapbook from my cardboard box under the bridge.)
Thanks for looking.
There are many more WOYWWED's here.
Just sayin.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friday Foto Collage

Peggy Gatto has a relatively new challenge site here and she calls it Friday Foto Collage.
So, you know it's got to do with Fotos, Collages and of course Friday.  Hey, what can I say, I'm university-edukated....
You can't get nothin past me.
Here is the foto she provided:

And here, my friends, is what I've ended up with:

You can click on the foto to see what she's sayin.
Catch ya later.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dezinaworld Magic

Dezinaworld's Spot Prize Challenge   has the theme of "Magic" this week. All three faces are from Dezinaworld Collage sheets, and the two inserts are by Valerie of Sum of All Crafts.  At least they were until I pasted Dezinaworld faces over them.  lol

Distress Misting Masks

Linda Ledbetter's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge 27 over at Studio L3 requires spraying and sparkle and I loved it.  I did NOT make a tag, as so many do.  No sireee, I'm doing real paper Scrapbook LO's these days and I wanted to incorporate this into a 12x12 page.  Here it is:

OK, here's the deal.
See the bus?

I found this bus at the Canadian Children's Museum in our nation's capital. 
I LOVED that museum!
And I LOVED that bus!  doesn't it look like it could just take off and fly?
Here is the place on the LO where I did the Distress Misting Mask technique:

See behind our Genteel Tour guide?
There it is.  You should get Tim Hotz's book, you know.
There are nine challenges left and
every single one
will not only expand your artful repetoire,
every single one
will make you smile.

Friday, January 14, 2011

FFI 2011-#2

1. Right now I need _a little more sleep_.
2. _Coffee_ is what's in my glass.
3. A copy of this letter _will go into your personnel file_.
4. _A fork_ is best with a spoon.
5. The best movie I've seen lately is _Burlesque_.
6. _Some things I_ like; _some things I_ love.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _safe highways_, tomorrow my plans include _scrapbooking my Ottawa trip from a year ago (!)_ and Sunday, I want to _sleep in_!
Check out more Friday Fill Ins here.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Challenge 100-Woo Hoo!

and hosting their 100th challenge! 
And of course, I want to play!
Here is the image they've
given us this week:
What do you think?  Fun, eh?
Here is my contribution:

The flower overlay is by Brandy Murray, the checkered paper is by Kim Meeder, and the cool
"Naughty" word art is by Totally Wild Dezinez.  The rest of the elements are from my overloaded hard drive. 
Did you notice today is THURSDAY?  And this challenge is called ART CREATIONS FRIDAY?
THAT means you have 6 more days to play along.  You have no excuse.  C'mon, it's their 100th.
I'll see you there.

Just because

I don't really have anything intelligent to say today. 
Just thought I should post this LO for no reason at all.
Have a funny day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Playin' with Brushes and Textures.
See lots more Wordless Wednesdays here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I've been struggling to decide on my word for 2011.  Meditating about it, arguing with myself about it, debating, blah, blah, blah.
Last year's was "mindfulness" and about the only thing I was mindful of was my art.
Well, and the world around me, details about that.   Both of which I appreciate and am grateful for. Not so much about my health or my spirituality.  Which was kind of the plan.
So, long story short, I've chosen "Kindness".
Kindness in the sense of being kind to others.  In the line of work I do, kindness isn't the most important quality I must possess. (In fact, there are times when the opposite is called for.) It is, however, an asset, and when I AM mindful (lol) of that, the benefits are many.  Being more kind to the clients, to my staff, kinder to my colleagues.

This past year, I've made a decision to try to smile more.  At strangers.  Not just people I know.
And it changes everything!  (Well, OK, maybe you all know that already, but it's news to me.)
Kinder to those I love and those I don't love, and maybe most importantly kinder to myself.
I want to take better care of myself,
quit being so hard on myself, accept myself, laugh at myself more.

But baby steps. 
I won't be kind to EVERYONE.
See, it's already working.
Wish me luck.

(PS, the dog's name is Fala and she's one of my grandbabies.  Isn't she sweet?)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Needing a Tropical Getaway

Got your attention, didn't I?
Yes indeedy, from what I'm hearing on the news, there are few among us who could NOT use a tropical getaway just about now.  Except perhaps those who live in the tropics, that is.
And who really CARES about them?
Not me, let me tell you.
The Grand Poobahs at The Order of The Opus Gluei have designated their Challenge #85 as "Needing a Tropical Getaway".  Aren't they sweet?
So I said to myself, "Self?  What the heck are you going to do about this?"  And myself said, "Hey!  We were just perusing (I had to look that up and make sure it wasn't just a word I made up in my own head) those pics from Thailand the other night and I know EXACTLY what to use!!"
OK, a little background.
A few years ago, my girl and I spent almost a month in Thailand.  We started in the south and made our way up to the north and the food got weirder as time went on.  There are WAY less tourists in the north, in fact in one town, they had never seen a couple of blonde women before.  Yes, Virginia, I  used to be blonde. Natural, I might add.  Never mind about that.  Anyhoo, as we neared the end of our adventure, both of us were yearning for good old familiar North American food. I should add here that the day after we landed in Bangkok, we went to a mall and learned that Mcdonald's burgers are made of rice there,

 KFC puts corn in their ice cream,

 and Pizza Hut offers Sushi Pizza.

  Say no more.
The look on my daughter's face pretty much says it all.  We were in the middle of the jungle and if I remember correctly, neither one of us believed we were going to last much longer.
That's my story for this LO.  It's the honest-to-goodness truth.
And I feel so much warmer just thinking about it. 
Don't you?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rusted Grunge and if you scroll down, Beauty!

Have you done your project for Linda's Compendium of Curiosities challenge at Studio L3 yet? This week it's
Rusted Grunge.
I enjoyed this so much that I did two projects.  First, I needed some horseshoes
for a scrapbook LO about a day we spent in the country:
Can you tell they aren't real horseshoes?
Hah!  I knew you wouldn't be able to.
My second try uses a photo I took myself.
When I had it printed I thought that it was really beautiful.
(no ego here  lol)
THEN Marie's Take A Word challenge this week is
So, well, the rest is history.
Can you tell which part is the rusted grunge?
If you can't, you need to sober up.
Here's a close-up:


Editorial Comment

It's chilly outside.
Nope, that's ridiculous.
friggin' cold!
Not as cold as a month ago when we were the second coldest spot on earth, mind you, but
I feel much better now.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Vintage Lady

Look at this pretty image provided by Jeannette of Soartful Challenges this week:
I used it in this, which I'm not entirely happy with, but it seems the more I do to it, the less I like it.  Not the image, I love the image.  It's what I've created that doesn't really curl my toes.
Oh well, maybe my mojo went to bed before me tonight.

I DO love all the Parisen elements I've used-they are by Cajoline.
Even though it's not my fav, I'm taking it over to Cindy Atkin's
Creative Spirit Challenge just because I think she has such a pretty blog!
AND Pink Saturday which I found when I went over to Cindy's blog.
(I'll never get to  bed at this rate.  lol)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins 2011-01

1. It's 2011; I _can't believe I've survived another year!_.
2. I really like_ pickles.
3. Thankfully I have my _cold and flu medication with me at work_.
4. _Peace is one of_ the best things in life.
5. I am so _happy that Friday Fill ins and the other challenge blogs are back_.
6. Life is just a _ bowl _full of cherries_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _maybe just going to bed early_, tomorrow my plans include _time with friends_ and Sunday, I want to _relax ands get over this cold_!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Art Creations Friday is back.

And this week is their 99th challenge.  How cool is that?  I'm glad I found them.  By the time Thursday of the workweek rolls around, I'm usually too tired to do much of anything except maybe sit at the computer and play with digital art.  So it's perfect for me.
Here is the image we've been given:
and here is what I've done with it:

I can actually sort of kind of tell you what I used this time.  The background and flowers are from the Ophelia Collection which can be found at Scrapgirls.  The whole kit is a totally different colour than it is here though.  The chair and lace behind the chair are by Createwings Designs. I LOVE that chair.  The rest are off my way-too-full hard drive.  See, I told you I knew some of them.
If you go visit Art Creations Friday you too can play with the great images provided.  Maybe check it out.
Thanks for looking!