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Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. I love to _sleep_.
2. _Give them a free meal_ and a smile.
3. It's how you _behave that tells people who you really are_.
4. _I already know, so_ don't tell me!
5. Well, would you _wear your underwear on your head_?
6. _Jeepers creepers, where are those_ spring peepers?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _picking up a frend_, tomorrow my plans include _pizza and watching the wedding with a friend_ and Sunday, I want to _take it easy_!
See lots more Fill Ins here

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I guess this is my bliss. lol
Still scrapbooking.
Visit Julie and take part in her weekly Workdesk Extravaganza!

Wordless Wednesday

funny pictures - I dont see no   "Any" key... 

Memories (one, actually)

Yup, that's yours truly. 
And I actually have this vague memory of running around outside the kindergarten that day twirling crepe paper ribbons around and having a lovely time.
Yes, I know, you say, "That can't be-you can't remember that far back, why, that's
But I do.
So there.

The Crown Jewels

Not the REAL ones.  Duh!
Nope, the royal Poobahs at The Order of the Opus Gluei" have gotten all in the wedding mood and challenged us to do the same.  So I'll bet you think I did something wedding-ish, right?
I've been scrapbooking my trip to our nation's capitol (a year ago, yikes, I am SO behind) and the perfect opportunity presented itself to make something to do with a crown.
Some background for the non-Canadians in the crowd:
The Canadian politicians in our House of Commons (ie, the government) behave VERY badly at times, arguing and hollering and in general acting like buffoons.  I know this to be true because we have a television station which broadcasts this nonsense day-to-day. I can't even watch it.  We're in the midst of an election, in case you didn't know that either.  And these folks, who act like school-age brats in some settings, are now travelling coast-to-coast trying to impress us with how smart and dedicated to our best interests they are.  NOT.
OK, I'm climbing down off my soapbox now.  Here's my LO:

A closer look:
What WOULD the queen say?
"We are not amused." I'd bet.

Monday, April 25, 2011


The Random Redhead Challenge at Gingersnap Creations is FANS.
I just made a little ATC.
Thanks for stopping by!


I made this for the Gingersnap Creations 
The background was masked and sprayed with Glimmer Mist, and the fans were sprayed as well, but it's hard to see.
(Hey, if someone could invent a device that would automatically take wonderful pictures of blingy items, there are a lot of us who would be very very happy.) 
The kimono is a Stampin' Up stamp, embossed in white and distress-inked in Eggplant, Lipstick and Broken China.
I used a Tim Holtz stamp, also embossed in white on the tag and the fans?  Well, they were cut with a Cricut.
This challenge is open until May 3rd, so you have time to take part.
You know you want to.

Soartful Southern Belle

My mojo seems to have left town.  Perhaps it went to the wedding.  I don't know.  It' ain't here.
This is what I managed to put together after numerous failed starts for Jeanette's challenge this week at Soartful Challenges.
It was a mixed marriage.

Mail Call!

I have received the most amazing creations in the mail yesterday and I want to share them with you.
First, from Meg of Committed Stitcher a wonderful needlecrafted masterpiece called a Temari:
Isn't it incredible???
Next, from Zoe Wall in Switzerland, a tag:

and an ATC to match:

OK, you won't believe this next ATC:
I tried to take a picture of one particularly magical detail...
(The arrows are mine) Under her jacket is a crystal heart and gears which keep working no matter what happens to her heart.  The ruffles, the stitching, the tiny buttons, and even, if you can believe it, there is a soft padded um, bosom!  I was stunned by the workmanship on this!
Last, but certainly not least, is a magic spring wand from Pam Colosimo a.k.a. Fidget Goblinglitler of Faery Rocks and Things:
 Notice the book of Enchanted Takes?  On the back there is a warning:
"Use only for good"
As if I would do anything else!
There is a tiny bag of Rare Ancient Faery Jewels."
REAL Rare Ancient Faery Jewels.
Am I lucky or what?
I am humbled by these works of heart.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Giveaway for a Very Good Cause!

My friend Peggy Gatto is celebrating her 2500th (gasp!) post with a Giveaway.  The cool thing is how she is celebrating.  Peggy's friend of over 35 years, Cathy, passed away from ovarian cancer.  So for every comment that Peggy receives on her blog, she will donate $1.00 to ovarian cancer research!  She is hoping to get at least 100 comments.  And as if that isn't cool enough, Peggy is giving away a French General jewelry kit!
C'mon, pay it forward for us, will you please?  All you need to do is visit

(which is where I learned of her giveaway)
Happy Easter!

Rosemary and Jana don't look!

It's Easter tomorrow so I need to show you my Easter inchies.  But they are in the mail on their way to my two good buddies in America and I take it they have not made it across the border yet.  So don't show this post to R&J.  SOME of their inchies are in this bunch.  You may look though.  Just keep it to yourself.
Do not adjust your sets.  I know it's blurry.  Just get another glass of schnapps and enjoy.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Fill Ins.

1.  Pardon me, _isn't this photo by Altered Artifacts?
2. _A trip to England for $100.00 is a very_ good deal.
3. I was surprised to find that I really like_100 calorie chocolaty granola bars_.
4. _A Broadway Musical_ is one of my favorite forms of entertainment.
5. Hi, my name is _Electra_ and I'm _considered insane by some_.
6. _I would kill for some_ summer afternoons.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _having some fun with friends_, tomorrow my plans include _maybe a walk with a friend_ and Sunday, I want to _work in my studio_.

Have a good weekend and a wonderful Easter, all!

What's in your Wallet?

The Opus Gluei chicks (I use that term, cus it's Easter.  Get it, EASTER Chicks?) are having their 98th challenge and this week 
they have asked us to dump all the crap things that are in our purses.
I'm so glad I'm too old for tampons anymore.
I just bought this honkin' big wallet at Wallymart that takes up almost my whole entire purse, so there isn't a lot of room for anything else, frankly, but my change purse caught my eye.
 It's sparkly-gold.  And it inspired me to get my rear in great and commit to completing the scrapbook pages of the ZOO-LIGHTS Christmas show that we have every year here in December.
I know, it is no longer winter,  Unless you live here, that is, but that's another post.
These pics have been sitting around taunting me, cus every piece of paper sucked when I tried to put them all together and it just frustrated me.  So I kept giving up and putting them away.
And thanks to the Order of the Opus Gluei
I was inspired to get them done, no matter what.  And I did. Hah!
Big pat on my own back!
Here's the first one that got me started.  Remember my little gold change purse?
 OK, that's the first.  I did them all and I figure, since I did you all, you can see them all.  But if you have a flight to catch at the airport, you had better come back later,  Cus there are a few.

You can't really see it very well, but the white words on the last one are covered with glitter.
Can't have snow LO's without glitter. I'm pretty sure it's the thirteenth commandment.
And lastly {is anyone there?}
Tell the Poobahs I said HI!
You'll find them hanging out at 
I do hope you'll go see them.  They'll give you a cup of tea. And maybe a cookie if you're good.
Merry Christmas!!!
no.  wait
Happy Almost Easter!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I finally figured out what I am going to do with the Configurations that I won from the Poobahs over at
The Order of the Opus Gluei I'm doing a tribute to my late mother, and filling it with items that remind me of her! So THAT is what the mess on my desk is today.
It should be finished by 2014.
See lots more Wonderful Workdesks at The Stamping Ground and even play along with the lovely Julia!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


has given us this lovely image to play with this week.  
It accidentally :-) turned to this in my puter:
Maybe the same thing has happened to you?

It's been a long day and I'm going to bed now.
You are staying up later so you can go say Hi to Jeanette 
and the other lovely artists who take part in her
Soartful Challenges
 It's been a very long day and I must sleep now.
Good night.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Friday Foto Collage

Isn't this the cutest picture of a happy family?
I think it is.
Family courtesy of Peggy Gatto at

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Take a Word-TRAVEL

This is my sample for the coming week's theme at 

I won't say any more than that since my computer keyboard died and I'm using my teeny-tiny laptop.
and it will not allow me to take the "Underline" feature off.
I do want to send a humungeous Thank You hug to Marie for allowing me to share my work this week.
Marie, you rock!! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Airondack Color Wash!

Studio L3!
You go and visit

Tim Holtz, right?
Well, not actually go visit TIM, but his website.  Of course.  But you knew that.
is all about the techniques of his Holtzedness, BTW.

Here's what I did.

As far as the Airondack part of this project goes, I masked some paper with a doily and sprayed it here and there with Bottle Green and Stream Blue Airondack Ink Spray.  Then I added some Gold Maya Mist in places.  Then I cut it in strips and wove them together. 
I stitched circles and cut the circle out with decorative scissors.
The lady, I found on the Internet.  Flourishes are a mixture of Basic Grey, Little Yellow Bicycle, and Recollections, some of which were Cuttlebugged. (is that a word?)
The top wing is a Recollections Die Cut which has had a bit of gold foil added and some bling.  (always need bling)
I drew in the straps and added a couple of flowers I got somewhere or other.
And that's all.

You know, for a couple of weeks now, I've been trying to decide what I want to make for the Gingersnap Creations Once in a Blue Moon Challenge.
I've chosen WINGS:
Except, maybe I need to call it "Wing".

Thanks for stopping by today!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. For me, it was _somewhat risky._.

2. _You can get anything except Smoked Tullabee_ at my local supermarket.

3. Behind the sound of the wind in the trees, I heard _a couple laughing playfully_.

4. _Visit Antarctica_ is something I always wanted to do.

5. When it was over, _I was so relieved_.

6. _I've spent a lot of time in my life not being around other people_ but I never felt alone.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _relaxing and talking to no one_, tomorrow my plans include _a desperately needed relaxation meditation_ and Sunday, I want to _be alone some more

Go and say hi to Janet over at Friday Fill Ins!


The Paper Doll (with a few adjustments) is by Altered Artifacts.  She's wonderful.  The lace?
What do you think I'm going to say?

See more wonderful lace projects at Take a Word

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peggy Paints Spring

Peggy Gatto has a way with photos.  Yes indeedy, she most certainly does.  She has a challenge site called Friday Foto Collage,
in case you didn't already know that and I make a point of visiting to see what she's got to offer each week.  This week, she provided a photo of her garden, and she then altered it in her unique way. 
Isn't that pretty?  I can't do that.
I took her art and made it into something totally different.
Not that I didn't love it the way it was.
But it's a CHALLENGE.
I wish I had the darn thing in front of me, cus for the life of me, I don't remember all the steps I went through to make it what it ended up as.  I do know that the lovely girl is a Suzy Blu stamp. 
A WONDERFUL Susy Blu stamp.  The ATC is already winging it's way across the ocean.
It started out as Peggy's background though.  Honest.
That's a true story. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Gaggle of Geishas

The Poobahs at The Order of the Opus Gluei have told us we may pick a challenge from their last year and go for it. 
Woo Hoo! 
Dealer's Choice!
So I chose Make a Set from 53 weeks ago.  (I know, how weird is that?)
And the Chestnut Theme Challenge #97 at Gingersnap Creations  is
I made a SET of GEISHAS.
Wanna see?

(sorry about the quality of that one, I think I must have sneezed when I snapped the picture)
and b'cus I'm on a Japanese kick,
I want to show you a bookmark from Japan that I received in a swap. 
Cool, eh?
Lucky me.
I'm done now.  Go about your lives.

Oh, and thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gothic Arch

That's what Jeanette of Soartful Challenges has given us this week to work with.
It's from a painting called
Doorway to the Refectory, Kirkham Priory, Yorkshire (1804)
by John Sell Cotman
Here is my take on it:

I love the Soartful Challenges, don't you?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Find Your Zen

OK, let me preface this post by saying I am hugely intimidated by Zentangle.  I actually participated in a Zentangle ATC swap over at Swap-bot and when I received the ATC's from my partner, I wanted to hunt her down and take mine back and apologize all over the place. I think it's b-cus of my anal growing up period.
Here, maybe this will help you understand me a bit better
One morning when I was eating my eggs in my highchair, my mother locked herself out of the house,  It was winter.  She bent down and called through the mail slot, "Sweetie Pie, come and open the door for Mommy!"  The way she told the story (over and over and over again, like it was something wonderful) I looked at her and I looked at my eggs and I looked at her a few times.  She then called out (likely getting colder by the minute) "Sweetie Pie, throw your eggs on the floor, it doesn't matter and come let Mommy in!"  And I looked at her and looked at my eggs and looked back at her.  EVENTUALLY, apparently,  I squished my little girl form underneath the table of the highchair and scooted down, without spilling a drop of eggs and went and let her in.
And we all know where it came from, right?
Anyways, I struggle to doodle.  and I struggle even more to show my doodling to anyone.
BUT, thanks to the Poobahs, I have been gently knudged (read: shoved) out of my comfort zone more than once in the almost-two years they have been posting challenges.  And #97 is
So, at a loss about what to do, I decided to do my age:  57.  Then it occurred to me, "Heinz 57" then I found a vintage picture of a building in NYC which which stood in the location at East 23rd Street and 5th Avenue where the Flatiron building now stands.  Then I had to embellish it a bit, but that's just the way it is. So it's not quite just ZENTANGLE, but I did do SOME.
And who knows, maybe I will try a bit more when no one is looking.

But I'll never admit it.
The Order of the Opus Gluei has been delighting the masses for almost two years now,
this is their 97th challenge.  Is that cool or what?
What's that you say?  You haven't checked them out?
Well, I'm certainly not going to nag you.  I'm not your mother after all.
C'mon, throw your damn eggs on the floor and go for it!
If you don't,  it's your loss.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Digital Whisper 100

I think it's about time I posted a few more of my pieces for the
Digital Whisper 100 Themes challenge.

1. Reflections

2. Waiting

3. Dawn

4. Stripes

5. Mansion

and 6.  Flowers

OK, I'm going to give you all the credits I can:

1. Reflections:  background paper by Amanda Sok, woman from a painting by J. Waterhouse, my own trees photo, word art by Lori Cook, Textures by Kim Klassen and unknown others
2. Waiting: both people by J. Waterhose in separate paintings, my own background photo, frame by Dianne Rigdon Designs
3. Dawn: my own background photo, overlay by the Queen of Quirk, bird tag and word art from the Internet
4. Stripes: my own photos of a picket fence, angel by Valerie Brincheck
5. Mansion: my own castle photo, queen by Freubel, brushes by Lori Cook
6. Flowers: woman by Dezinaworld, border by Digikeepsakes, flower paper by Shalae Tippits,
word art by Bethany

Thanks for stopping by!