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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

funny pictures - You realize it's just the same 26 letters being rearranged, don't you?
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

OK, I'm (almost) wordless, he's not.  But he didn't post this, I did.  So it counts.
See more Wordless Wednesdays here


Yup, you see right.  It's an ATC orgy.
I'm a bit behind.
Sure am having fun though.  I wohn't apologize for the mess, that's the way I work best.
Take a peek at other's wonderful workdesks here!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Digital Interlude

Lately, I've been craving the feel of paper and touchable "ephemera" between my fingers and so I haven't been doing so much digital work.  I actually have been on an ATC binge this week. Now that the postal strike is over, I can get all my "on hold" swaps up and out.  It's so nice to go to the mailbox again and find treasures there.
Yes!  Already!  And they only went back to work yesterday!  Life is good!
Having said all that, I haven't posted any of my 
Digital Whisper 100 Themes work in quite some time.  So here you go:
1. Animal

2. Rain

3. Abandoned

4. Tower

and 5. Universe

That's it for today.
Thanks for stopping by!

1. Deviant Art and Google images, brushes from Brusheezy and by Thao Cosgrove and unknown textures
2. Holliewood, Mizz D, Crowabout, Wish Bliss Studios and Laurie Anderson images,
 brush by digea and unknown textures
3. My own farm photo, Lisa's Altered Art woman's face, textures by Kim Klassen,
brushes from Brusheezy
4. Images by Mizz D,. Deviant Art, umbradenoapte, Brusheezy, hoshew and Lady Victoire brushes and textures
5. Images by Dezinaworld, background by Dianne Rigdon, Kim Klassen textures, unknown brushes.

See so much more awesome art at

The Cowboy

Never squat with yer spurs on.


To celebrate reaching 500 followers, June of Dezinaworld fame is having a splendiferous giveaway!
The prize is four sheets of her digital elements including:

Pop on over to Dezinaworld for all the deets.
And tell her I sent you, K?

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Colour of Money

The GC108 Colour Challenge is "The Colour of Money"
GREEN comes to mind right away,correct?
Well, in Canada, we have blue money, purple money orange get the picture.
Some Americans like to call it "Monopoly Money"
but just a few short weeks ago it surpassed the US dollar in value, so stop that!  lol
We also have loonies and toonies.
And I heard on the radio this morning that the Royal Canadian Mint is now
churning out 50 and 100 bills that are coated with plastic.
I don't know what to say about that.
Except that I likely won't have any of those in my wallet, so it's really not an issue.
I wanted to make something colourful, to honour our psychedelic currency.
And I thought Daddy Warbucks, Richie Rich and the
Monopoly Man could help me make my point.

I hope you visit Gingersnap Creations and take part in some (or all) of their challenges.  They are always fun, always challenging and always a great way to meet other artists!
See you there!!

Take A Word-Beach

Be there.
Or be square.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


This is for Dezinaworld's Spot Prize Challenge
Images are by Lisa's Altered Art, Deviant Art, Kim Klassen, Titoff77, and Dezinaworld!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Fill In

1. Getting away _from it all_.
2. _Nachos are the perfect way_ to start your day off right.
3. Coffee, tea or _a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice?_.
4. _Patience_ in place of _impatience_.
5. The lights _are on, but nobody's home_.
6. _The toucan of_ happiness.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a road trip_, tomorrow my plans include _a Christmas Card workshop_ and Sunday, I want to _clean my house before my
company shows up for dinner.

It's Fun Friday

Any questions?

Woot Woot!

I am so excited to share some VERY BEEG (as Ed Sullivan used to say) news with you all today.
You've heard me speak of the illustrious Poobahs over at The Order of the Opus Gluei often, right?
(heads nod)
I lurves their blog.
So much fun, it really should be illegal.
I've been asked to be an honourary poobah!  Fledgling, really is a better word.
Isn't that just the
See me beside me?

Not just me, mind you, but some very talented Glueites that
I always get a whole bunch of inspiration from.

And that's not the best news.
Although that too is pretty darn cool!

For our very first challenge we are partnering with the
You HAVE TO check these ladies out.
They have come up with the brilliant idea to make one Christmas Card a week until Christmas and by then you would have, um, let's see,
takes her shoes off
52!  Christmas cards all ready to mail!

If you're a bit of a loner like me, that would last you 6 years!
Good deal!

But that's not all.

The Challenge at
is to make a card and a tag.

Not too complicated.
I did it.  So can you.
Here's my card

and here's my tag

I had this lovely pink wintery paper that I got in
Whitefish, Montana last year, by Paper's Best
A couple of Tim Holtz Stickers,
Some bird stamps from Mikey's that I embossed in silver. And that was REALLY hard to photograph.  But it's very pretty.

Ribbon from my stash and Class-o-Peel sentiments from my Christmas bucket.
Strips of silver paper that I think I may have bought in Thailand 6 years ago
no, I don't hold onto stuff, why are you asking?
and some buttons and pine branches that
arrived from some Poobahs who shall remain nameless last Christmas.
It seemed only right.
The frames are digital, by diannerigdondesigns

Are you still with me?

WELL, the BIGGEST news is yet to come!!

Yes, boys and girls, there are two, count en, two giveaways happening to celebrate this momentous occaision
at least it's pretty momentous to us.

Come on, join us, meet the other pooblettes, say hi,
make something and maybe win some Christmas goodies.
And best of all, you'll have a Christmas card made. 
Today is exactly six months from Christmas Eve.
Well, you would want to send out your card before then,
ESPECIALLY if the Canadian Postal strike is still on.
If it is, I am going on record that I WILL get a dogsled team
and go out and find my swaps that are lost in mail hell somewhere.
I will too so!
You just watch me!

Anyways, I really hope you'll come. You know me, I wouldn't do something if it weren't fun. 
And all of these ladies away beyond fun.  I hope you stop by and make a card with us.
and a tag.
And lots more in the coming months.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's a Jungle Out There

I'm not a card person.  Truly.
I like
but I'm not so good at

Having said that, I must tell you  lean closer  that the Poobahs at
have got me making cards.
Who'd a thunk it?
Their challenge this week was to make something somewhat wild.
I'm somewhat wild, but I didn't think you'd really want to see me dancin in my undies,
 trust me, you DON'T want to see that

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go out and find a small child who is having a birthday....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BBQ Time

in Canada
It's about your homeland.
Check it out.
I'll bet it's warmer where you are.
(just kidding.)


Nothing much going on here, just getting some snail mail ready
for when when our postal strike is over.
See more interesting Workdesks at the Stampingn Ground

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My fantasy


Oh c'mon, I can't tell you THAT.
Get real.

In lieu, I've created a piece for this week's challenge at
Elements used are by Fidlette, Holliewood, Crowabout Studios, Createwings Designs,
Mumbojumbo89,Kim Klassen and Deviant Art.
Make of it what you will.

GC106-Spicy Supply

This month the theme at
And the GC Challenge is
I used the Peeled Paint Technique on the background tag.
The actual card is from the 1940's or 50's, I'm not sure exactly.  It was in my mother's stuff.
The young lady is asking a very important question:
What the heck is a santi-pantie?
She is asking this because on the back of this garter card, it is suggested you may use these garters for a "santi-pantie". 
I'll leave that to your imagination.
Or your memory.
whichever works for you.

The garter was on the card.
The corrugated cardboard was in my stash.
And I made a ruffle on the top and the bottom of the card with some plastic wrap from a stamp set I bought.
The young lady is a Stampotique stamp.
What do you think?
Santi-pantie indeed.
We've come a long way baby.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friday Foto Collage

OK, I admit, there is a LOT of stuff on here.
This is the original image that inspired me
Isn't it pretty?
It was provided by Peggy Gatto at
I had a blast making this.
Other elements are by The Land of Nod, Paula Kesselring, and Cajoline

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. One of my favorite birthday presents was
a gift certificate for one of my favorite scrapbooking stores_.
2. _Back to jail_, it was as simple as that.
3. The moon _in the sky like a big pizza pie, that's amore_!
4. Privilege_ includes _responsibility_.
5. I was tempted by _ a dipped chocolate cupcake, it wasn't my fault_!!
6. _Take photos, relax, see new places_ are some of the things I like to do on vacation.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _driving to see my daughter down south_, tomorrow my plans include _photographing wildfowers in Waterton National Park_ and Sunday, I want to _sleep in and then drive home safely_


Please note:  I did not take this picture, I found it while blurfing on the internet.  It's a wall of origami cranes and it's goregous, IMO!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Grungy Monday 11

OK, is there anyone who is quite as talented as Tim Holtz?
Have you been to his blog lately to see what he's been up to?
You can find this week's background technique

I had some challenges with this one,
but I tried until I got something that reasonably resembled what it was supposed to resemble.
I'm pretty sure (from the gorgeous samples on Linda's blog) that if you go to
the home of Grungy Monday, you'll see much better examples than mine.
But hey, it's all about learning and having fun, right?
And I certainly did both.
Say hi to Linda for me at
Grungy Monday, will ya?

Distress Inks used were Barn Door, Dusty Concord, Mustard Seed and Shabby Shutters.  The bird stamp is Tim Holtz and I'm sorry, I don't know who made the owl stamp, but I LOVE it!  The rest are from my "Autumn" bin and I'll bet I found them at a Loonie Store (our version of a Dollar Store) somewhere.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


A slightly blurry image of a piece I'm working on for myself.  No challenge, just for me.
What's On YOUR Workdesk today?
Go visit Julia and show us all!

OK, I have to respond to the comments about the oven rack, which never even occurred to me that it would be worthy of comment.
I paint stuff or spray stuff
and put them on the wire racks to drip dry.
I though everyone did that.
Apparently not.
Just another example of my non-conformist nature, I guess.
You mean to say they're for BAKING?
well, who knew?
tee hee

Wordless Wednesday

Now go be wordless.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girlie Things

I like pink.
I like girlie things.
I also think that girlie things can be anything.
I drive a black and orange 4WD Harley truck with running boards and PIAA Lights.
So there.
I had a bunch more to say tonight, but I wrote it all out and then Blogger sent it to
(Has Blogger got a drinking problem or what???)
And it is WAY too late to redo it all.

Like her wings?
 I made them out of fusible fibers, ironed between two sheets of parchment.
The little girl is by Lisa's Altered Art and the stamps are from Tim Holtz and Inkadinkadoo.
The rest are from my stash
and a wonderful pink matchbox full of pink deliciousness that appeared in my mailbox today.

The Order of the Opus Gluei is the place to be this week if you're feeling girlie.
And it can be ornage or black or pink or any colour you want.
Have fun with it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thursday Spot Prize Challenge

Am I the only one who gets confused when I post a day that isn't the day that I post on, on the day that a challenge is for, but not the day I post on?
And if you followed that on first reading, I have some brain surgery I would like you to do.

This week's theme is
Natural Beauty.
Central image is by Dezinaworld, other elements are by The Gilded Bee and Amanda McGee
Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Elizabeth

"Elizabeth who?" you ask?
OK, I know you didn't really.
You would have to live in a box to not know which Elizabeth this is.
(If you DO live in a box, I apologize.  I didn't mean to seem flippant.)
But if you want to know why I've done this, toddle on over to
and see what Jeanette has to say this week!
It involves $47K.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Isn't that a great word?
I was the verification word on a friend's blog this evening and I can't get it out of my head.
Let's all come up with some definitions for it:
Nuffcam-I've had enough of you taking movies of me with that stupid videocamera.
Nuffcam-Would you like to order the nuffcam dahling, or would you prefer scampi?
Nuffcam-I thihnk I shall wear my nuffcam today, it's kind of chilly out there.
OK, it's your turn now.

And now for something completely different:
Peggy Gatto of Friday Foto Collage each week gives us different photos and challenges us to alter them in some way, or even to alter one of our own photos.
This week, she's posted a TON of photos from which to choose.
I chose one.
And this is what it ended up as:
Elements are from Holliewood, Dezinaworld and of course, the handsome men are from
Check it out!

Friday Fill Ins

1. I remember when I first heard _about computers and I said,
"I'll never get one"_.
2. _The drywall came_ showering down _when the car hit the house_.
3. Most humans _are compassionate, but sometimes it's drowned out by fear_.
4. _BURP!_...sound familiar?
5. I was inspired by _a design class I took in Home Economics at University many many years ago_.
6. _I last saw it_ who knows where!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _spending some time with friends_, tomorrow my plans include _socializing_ and Sunday, I want to _party, then _relax the rest of the day_!

See so many more Fill Ins (and add your own) here

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday #105

The only thing worth noting here is that I had a thought that maybe I could make a flower out of some wired ribbon I got at the dollar store.
And guess what?
You can!

I know, I know, it's blurry.  Don't worry about it, use your imagination.
I made the front two, the back one is Recollections.
And they are quite finished, but you get the drift.
See WAY more wonderful workspaces at Julia's
(It's the only way I know we're halfway through the week.)
Enjoy your Wednesday.  I certainly plan to.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Yessireebob, once again, we get to celebrate the infinite talent of Tim Holtz-
you can visit his blog here
I borrowed this stamp from a friend and if I had half a brain, I would have written down the company that makes it, cus I really like it.
(humming "If I Only Had a Brain" from the Wizard of Oz.)
Then I covered a tag with flashing tape and put a little Distress Crackle Paint in Vintage Photo on it.  When it was dry, I edged it with Walnut Stain Distress Ink.  The stamp of course has Distress Inks on it,
in Dusty Concord, Worn Lipstick, Spiced Marmalade, Tumbled Glass
and Stickles and Glossy Accents are added for blingishness.
The reinforcer and ephemera are from Mr. Holtz himself.
The fibers are from my stash.
Linda has challenged us to use Distress Ink in a project, Artist's Choice on how we do it-how easy is that?  There are some really breathtaking samples on her website and you can see lots of talent showcased for this week's challenge (not to mention the previous 9 weeks)
to go Gaga. 
(sorry, Lady G)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Spot Prize Challenge

June challenged us to chage around the colours in one of her images from what they originally are.
OK, and here is what I've done with this lady.
(At least I think she's a lady.)

This ATC is also for the Chestnut Theme Challenge 105
What can I say?
It came to me in a dream.

My last project

for June at Dezinaworld
I could make something with June's images every single day.
Wait, come to think of it, I have!

Hmm, this is confusing.
I make these for June with June's images.
That is, I make them for the month of June with image from June of
Oh, my head hurts with it all.
At any rate, here it is:
All elements are by Cajoline, except for the dancer, which of course, is from Dezinaworld
Thanks for looking!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Midsummer Night's STARS!

So I was thinking about what I would put together for this week's challenge over at
and then I was thinking about what I would put together for this week's challenge over at
which is "A Midsummer NIght's Dream"

Good combination, eh??
Elements are by Cajoline, Dianne Rigdon, Brusheezy and good ol' Google.

Dezinaworld #3

Tomorrow would have been my mother's birthday and I was thinking of her today.
So I made a card, using one of Dezinaworld's prettiest images. (the girls)
The backet is by Cajoline, background paper is by Paula Kessering
and other elements are from unknown sources.
Check it out!

Life with Father

When I was a little girl, my father bought a (second-hand) Lincoln Continental and brought it home-my mother said it was ugly and made him take it back.
Nuff said.

Medieval Times

Jeanette at Soartful Challenges has given us a painting by Edmund Blair Leighton this week to transform:

Nice eh?
And it somehow morphed into this:
Can't imagine how that happened.
Elements used are by Deviant Art, Holliewood Studios, Jofia Designs, Dezinaworld
and Createwings Designs
Now go be Artful!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gungy Monday 09

Once again, it's
Grungy Monday again, or, in my case Grungy Monday on Saturday. ;-)
I've been 1/2 hour behind everyone else my whole life.
This week's challenge is a technique from the talented
Tim Holtz commonly called
 Shabby Chic
and I made a Christmas card:
I'm sorry I can't tell you where the stamps are from,
I got them before I reralized how important it is to keep that information.
It's a fun techniuqe and you can get the link for the instructions at Linda Ledbetter's
C'mon, try it, you'll come up with something wonderful, I know!
See you at

Do you want to see the second of my four

pieces for Dezinaworld?
The birdhouse (which will need a crane (hah!) to right it and get it back in the tree where it belongs) is by Dezinaworld and the tree (with an unknown brush overtop is by Tangie Baxter. The rest, I can't tell you, cus they've been on my hard drive for what seems like forever.
I hope your weekend is going well!