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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I'm still plowing (plow, plow, plow) through my heritage album, 
but a couple of weeks ago some kind blog-visitor said something along the lines like
"Why don't you take a break?" 
See, that's just one of the lovely things about blogging, 
is some kind soul will just mosey on over to 
take a peek into one's workspace and blurt out some  
I am doing one heritage page for every four or six non-heritage pages.
And that is what you are seeing on my workdesk.
A couple of non-heritage pages.
See all sorts of wonderful things happening at Julia's 
YOU figure it out. :-)

Friday Foto on Tuesday

I have challenges I really like to do each week.  
They inspire this sitck-in-the-mud old brain of mine.
Without them I would sit staring at my computer monitor for hours on end going
Probably wouldn't even remember to eat.
One of those challenges I really love is Peggy's 
Wouldn't miss it.
Or at least I try not to.

This week, Peggy gave us a few images to choose from and I chose this one:
Don't know why, just did.
It morphed into this.
and I had a lovely time morphing it.
Elements used are by Finecrafted Designs, Amanda Fraijo-Tobin,  
Cottage Arts, Shadowhouse Creations and Skeletel Mess.

Thanks for stopping by, now go say HI to Peggy!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Automatically one thinks of hammers and drill and saws and all that sort of stuff, right?
I have all that stuff. But I only use them when I must.  
I thought it was important to make my "tools" collage with tools I actually use 
even when there is not a flood of water coming from under the sink.

 I've used elements by Beth Rimmer, Amanda Sok, Crowabout Studios, Cajoline, Syndee Nuckles, Tumblefish Studios, and Chere K Edwards


no, not me, silly.
That's this week's theme at 
I made this first:
  and then thought to myself, "That's really quite irreverent."

so I then made this:

when I discovered this STUNNING image of the woman by Ginny Ciszek.
Here crown was googled, the rest of the elements are by
Amanda Fraijo-Tobin, Syndee Nuckles, Kim Jensen, Amanda Sok and Kristen Aagard.
Check it out!
My apologies to Queen Elizabeth.

Oo La La!

All Elements used are by Cajoline

Tweet, Chirrup and Trill

The new challenge at 
has been put out to us by the lovely Gini.
She has asked us to create something with 
Tweet, Chirrup and Trill 
in mind.
That could be,
birdhouses, birds, songs that make you happy (or sad), your new hat...
in other words, pretty much anything.
Gini is very accomodating.
I do hope you will join us.
We have SO much fun, you know.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Georgia O'keefe

The challenge at 
is Georgia O'Keefe, OR sepia or dark tones, or floral themes or colours.
How can you NOT participate with such a vast array of choices?

I really hope you join us and create something wonderful!
If you're stuck for inspiration, please visit us at
Soartful Challenges
Carla has posted some great images there for you!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Just because you dress us up,

doesn't mean you can take us anywhere, you know.

Just because you dress us up,

Feeling Valentiney

Slutty image by Dezinaworld.  
Sometimes I want to be just like her.
But I live alone.  sigh.

Colour Challenge #136-Going Green

The Colour Challenge this month at Gingersnap Creations
going green

This photo is of my other and her graduating class.  She learned how to be a mechanic for war-time purposes.  They look to me like the girls in the new hit how on TV: Bomb Girls 
Wow...we have no idea, do we..

Random Redhead Challenge #135

has invited us to create something using one of our favorite designer papers.
I chose one by Sir Holtz.

OK, here's the thing though, just in case you rush out to buy this paper, thinking, Wow, 
That's AWE-SOME!
(hah, just kidding, I know you aren't thinking that)
I spritzed and stiched and painted and used gesso 
and dimensional plaster and stencils and 
probably some other assorted goodies to make the original paper 
even more original.
But it was one of my favorite papers before I started that journey 
and it's still one of my favorite papers now.
So that counts. 
PLUS, the Graphics45 paper at the top left is another one of my Faves.  So that's double-favorites.
For the record, the folks in the photos are all relatives of mine.
But not the guy with the top hat.
Apparently my people don't wear top hats.  
No class, I guess.

I've spent the past couple of days unable to post or do anything with my blog.  Did I mention I hate Blogger?
Well, I do.
I finally installed Firefox, that seems to have fixed the problem.
Touch wood.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


What's that you say?
"A Mess!"
Just organizing.
If you really want to see some clean and organized workdesks, you'll find them at
not here.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


That's what on the artistic agenda at
this week.
Here you go!
Makes ya go Awwwwwwww....
I really like joining in at
Here is what I did this week:
Elements are by Altered Emporium, Lisa's Altered Art, Thao Cosgrove,
 Amanda Fraijo-Tobin, and Laura Carson
Thanks for stopping by!


There are three, count em, three Moos on this page.
To learn more about what a Moo is check out

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Animal Kingdom

I am so far off on my days and dates, it's ridiculous.  Having said that, here is my contribution for the
Three Muses challenge.
We were invited to alter at least one animal.
True to my OCD, I did more than one.  lol
Elements used are by Holliewood, Beth Rimmer, Dezinaworld, Cajoline, Tumblefish Studios, Lisa's Altered Art and Crowabout Studios.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 20, 2012

It is Friday already!

and I totally forgot to pôst this for
Have a good weekend!
(The little mark over top of the o
is a French symbol.  My computer is somehow
stuck on French-Canadian English.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Call Me Paranoid

but I'm going to post while I can.  lol
I wandered over to
and the challenge is DANCE
What can I say, I am channeling Julie Roberts tonight.

Jingle Belles

This is for JIngle Belles
and it's pink.
I don't know what's up with that.
The last Christmas card I made was pink.
Will the next one be pink too?
Am I being defiant or something?
Who knows.
C'mon, play along, it's easy.  And it's fun.
And it's Christmas!
Oops. no it isn't.
Just because it is
minus 38 degrees
(that's 38 degrees below zero for those who are not accustomed to
 this sort of weather-related ridiculousness)
Well, it could be Christmas.
Don't you agree?

It is so iffy

whether I can post or not.  Couldn 't yesterday and this morning, now I can. Just wanted to say if you don't hear from me, that's why.

Monday, January 16, 2012

OK, here's the thing.
DO NOT switch to the upgraded interface unless you know for sure that you have a recent browser!!!
Cus I did switch, and I did not have the most recent version,
and for the past 5 hours I have been trying everything I can think of to be able to post on my own blog.
You will see a message that says something like "You may be having some problems,
upgrading to Google Chrome will solve the problem."
As I and apparently many others have found out.
(not from Blogger, I might add)
Not only that, but my Electra Whispers blog is gone entirely and I am missing some of my photos on here.  (which I shall fix later tonight.)
Be afraid, be very afraid, folks.

ON another note,

Alison of The Great Leveler blog has some wonderful instructions for fixing the problem we are having with trying to make a comment and getting a white screen.  It is for YOUR blog, not a fix for other's, but the more folks who know about it, the sonner we'll all be back to normal.  And besides, Alison's blog is lovely to wander around, even if she weren't so smart!

(I know this is hard to read, I'll get to it.)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


(I couldn't help myself.)

No fish were harmed in the making of this collage.

Black and Lime

This is for Dezinaworld's
which I'm thrilled to see has returned!
I love going to visit June and am cursing blogger, because I can't count the number of times I've gone over there in the last week and have been unable to leave a comment.
So I will just say here, "Love you, June!"

Images used are by Dezinaworld (natch), Cajoline, and Rhonna Farrer
I hope you join in on the challenge and make something Black and Lime!


Elements used are by Cottage Arts, Syndee Nuckles, Lisajen,
Cajoline and Dezinaworld
Eyes by Gloomy Kat

Take a Picture, it will last longer

That's the new challenge at the
What's that you say?
You haven't played along yet?
Well, why-ever not?
Take this challenge, for example.
You may interpret this prompt in whatever manner you like,
the only rule is that you must have fun.
OK, even THAT isn't a hard and fast rule.
If you don't want to have fun, don't.
We'll never know.

The whole entire point of this LO is having fun.
See, the kids
(I never understood why my mother always called my brother and I "the kids"
even when we were in our 40's and now I get it)
were looking at an APP we discovered on her phone that makes any photos you take
 REALLY weird and REALLY funny.
And they were REALLY laughing.
Watching them was almost as funny as the pictures on her phone.
But at any rate, when Kristen told us that this challenge was about "taking a picture",
I rooted around until I found  the photos I was thinking of and made this LO.
Still makes me laugh when I look at it.
So I think it fits the spirit of this challenge just tikety-boo.

I also made a point of using all Tim Holtz stamps on it, and so it qualifies for the current
Chestnut Theme Challenge #133-Use a set or line of stamps.

See, I can too so multi-task!
Thanks for stopping by and remember to LOL today.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Colours of Soartful!

The new challenge at
invites us to use turquoise, red, yellow or blue (or a combination of any or all!)
and Carla has posted some great images to inspire you.
Personally I love these colours together and so used the whole works of them.
What are YOU going to do?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Elements used are by Artfully Musing, Cajoline, Bonnie Zieman,
Kerry Klaassen Veale,  and Syndee Nuckels.

Friday Fill Ins

1. When I looked out the window this morning _the sun was nowhere to be found_.

2. _It just_ doesn't make sense to me.

3. Remind me _I meant to do that_.

4. _Making stuff_ is something I love to do!

5. TP is _short for toilet paper for else toothpaste, on my grocery list_.

6. I cleaned the refrigerator recently and I found _something better kept to myself_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to
_a friend coming over for dinner_,
 tomorrow my plans include _the massage I didn't get last weekend_
and Sunday, I want to _get my head out out my a$# and move forward_!

Friday Foto Collage

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Ack, blogger makes me crazy sometimes.  I figured out how to upload, I had to switch over to "Edit HTML", upload, then switch back.  Please tell me this is not one of their "new, improved upgrades".
this is what's on my workdesk tonight.
Some twinchies for the Gingersnap Creations Twinchie swap and a LO.
I'm plowing my way through the photos that my mother left when she passed away
and am determined to finish them all before I start of anything new.
Plow, plow, plow.
You need to go over to visit Julia at
and post a picture of what's on YOUR workdesk.
After you do that, you may visit others.
Winter finally got here tonight, I hope wherever you are, you're warmer than we are!
Thanks for visiting.
And a pox on blogger.

What's the problem with blogger?

It won't let me upload any images from my computer tonight.  Only from my own blog (which makes NO sense) another URL (which also makes no sense) or Picasa (which means I would have to upload my image there first, then come back here and do this, which just pisses me off).  Is anyone else experiencing this?

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, January 9, 2012

Chandeliers, Candelabras and Candles

That's what the current Random Redhead Challenge over at Gingersnap Creations is.
I adore chandeliers.
I have one in my new place, but it's not full of sparkles and bling like it should be. 
So I made one of my own.

The sentiment is by Class O Peels, the tree stamp is Rosewood,
and try as I might, I cannot for the life of me remember who the chandelier is by.
I put tiny bits of Stickles on the tree,
cus who wants a naked Christmas tree, right?
And the bling?  My stash.
Thanks for stopping by.
Only 356 shopping days left until Christmas.
Best get busy.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Elements used are by Beth Rimmer, Kim Meeder, Finecrafted Designs,
Vera Lim, Bonnie Zieman, and Kim Klassen.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Discussions _about Creator's will are always interesting_.
2. _No Time to Wave_ goodbye.
3. I think it's time _to get real_.
4. _The new show "New Girl"_ puts a smile on my face.
5. Maybe sometime _in the future we can go out again_.
6. _Meditation_ gives me strength.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _my friend Cindy coming to town,
tomorrow my plans include _a massage_
and Sunday, I want to _do some writing!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Song Lyric

The new challenge at
and ever since I watched a particular movie a few nights ago,
I have had "Lady In Red" going through my mind.
over and over and over
and over.
So I HAD TO do this:

Elements are by Holliewood, Miz D, Finecrafted Designs, Bonnie Zieman,
CrystalRain and Amanda Sok.
Are you singing it?
Hah! Me too.
Thanks for stopping by and have a funny day.


that's what.
I'm organizing stuff in my studio, even though it SHOULD be organized since I just moved,
but it's not.
So nothing to see here, really folks.
There are some LO's under all the pens, and some photos I just had printed behind the pens,
but it's really all about
this week.
Move along.
 and you'll see much more interesting workdesks than this.
Have fun.
I'll see you there!

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Still Life

I'm still having a lovely day playing on the computer/playing with real live scrapbook supplies.
My puter is on one side of my studio and my workdesk is on the other. 
So I just sit at the puter until I get achy and then get up and do something different and then come back to the puter.
Anyway, it's a pretty much perfect day, in my view.
I made a piece for
Their theme is
I can't even BEGIN to tell you how many steps were involved in making this.
If you want to know, call me, I will give you my address and we'll have coffee.
Bring your PJ's.

All elements used are by Amanda Sok, Cajoline and Becca.


is the word (s) for our first challenge of the year at
I haven't picked "MY" word for 2012 yet, but I think I'm headed towards it.
Thanks for visiting!