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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Flower Art Friday

Just for fun, I've made something for
I was fooling around with some of my photos last night and thought "Why Not".
So, why not?

I've used a couple of textures, one by Bonnie Zieman and the other by Shadowhouse Creations.
The wordart is by Dido Designs.
And the photo is my own, there is a bizarre story that goes with it.
I was climbing in the hoodoos down south of where we live.
The hoodoos are interesting and unique rock formations that are all rock.  
Great unusual shapes, but nothing else.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw something bright yellow and looked at it.
I thought, "Isn't that weird that someone has dropped a plastic plant here?"
And then I saw a couple more.
Like I said weird.
Anyhoo, long story short, these bright yellow things were plants, 
but they weren't attached to anything, no roots, no connection to the ground, 
just bright yellow flowers with a kind of cactus base, laying there minding their own business.
Soft and moist and healthy as kind be.  How does that even happen?
Anyways, this is for

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

All That Glitters

is the new theme for
So I've created something quite sparkly:
and I have a Sirens of the Sea ATC swap coming up soon, so...
The lovely ladies and their fishy friends are courtesy of Valerie at Sum of All Crafts

I hope you'll visit us at
see what the other members of the Design Team have come up with.
And of course, create something sparkly of your own!

Thanks for your visit!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Because

This is a LO I just did, of my daughter when she was little.
She was definitely a Fashionista!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Beachy

I had a long day today.
So, I've been sitting at the puter making stuff tonight.
There's not much that relaxes me better than that.
Well, maybe chips and dip.
And imagine my surprise when I saw that Peggy has her 
ready early!
So I fooled around with one of the great images she provided us with.
Here is what she gave us:
I fell in love with this image as soon as I saw it!
It turned into this:

with the addition of a couple of textures by Shadowhouse Creations and a little Photoshop magic.
Thanks Peggy!

I hope your evening is just as relaxing!

Just Because

Friday Photo Art

I REALLY want to encourage you to check out
Bonnie's philosophyt is so refreshing and inspiring, and the art is mind-blowing.
I know, that makes me sound like I grew up in the 70's.
Well, I did
 This week we were invited to transform a photo into a "painting"
Here is my original photo:
 to this:
This was made possible with the addition of three of Bonnie's awesome textures.
Abstract Elements Drops of Jupiter
Painterly and
Happy Day
Cool, eh?

Check it out.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


OK, I admit, this piece is a bit of a stretch for the theme of 
I guess my only defence is that I was in "Grandma" mode and missing the little guy.
So I put him in a frame, and went from there, laughing the whole time.
Doesn't he look like a little old woman wearing a babushka?
(for those of you who do not live in the prairies, a
babushka is a Ukrainian kerchief.)

Thanks to Joni Gray, Berna Datema, Bethany Harty and Pink Lotty Designs.

Sunday, June 24, 2012



er, um, I mean
That, my friends, is the theme this week over at
Here's mine:
I'm terrified of spiders.
And lately, maybe cus I've had the door open and I live on the ground floor, well, the other night
I was held at bay by a huge beetle
and this morning, there was a worm in the living room
Anyways, I just couldn't do
Won't even likely visit the other artists this week.
I JUST can't.
Butterlies are as close to bugs as I can get right now.
Except in my living room

Thanks for Bleuesse, Brandy Murry and tyJulia  for the elements used.

Butterflies are insects, right?
Unless of course, you're another butterfly.
Then you would be a BFF.
Or a lover.
Or even an employer.


I created this for SPA this week.
I feel like I can refer to it as SPA now, 
I've played along long enough.
For the longest time, I would see "SPA" on other poeple's blogs and think to myself,
"Self, what is SPA?"
THEN, someone spelled it out for me.
So if you're like me, this is for SPA.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

If Money Grew on Trees...

or plants, for that matter...
All images used are by the wonderful Rian.
You can find her collage sheets at

I hope you are checking out the great creativity by the other members of this talented Design Team!
You'll find some pretty incredible inspiration at each blog!

Here Comes The Sun!

What began as this:

Big thanks to Peggy at
for the image and the inspiration!

And credit to Bleuesse and Microferk.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie has given us the prompt
for this weekend's
and I did this photo of an old car, using textures from Shadowhouse Creations and Bonnie Zeiman.
But then I saw that Bonnie has kindly posted a new testure for 
us to play with so I used it, along with two other textures of hers and transformed this:
 to this:
Aren't textures wonderful?

Just Because

Thanks to MizzD, Cemerony, Tangie Baxter, Durin Eberhart. 
Dezinaworld, Cryztal Rain and Bethany Harty.

Hawaiian Christmas!

which I haven't participated for so long in, that I'm in withdrawal!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday


The Three Muses

Credit goes to Holliewood Studios and Bleuesse.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Waves on TV

Peggy of 
has given us a few awesome pictures of waves which was may use to create something wet.  
Well, that's not EXACTLY what she said, but that's what I ended up with.
And so can you, if you go over there and check things out!
And since I've been away from home (and my computer) for WAY too long, 
I decided to combine this with the challenge from
which invites us to create something with television or film in mind.
I should mention that I have always hated Baywatch and this is my somewhat
pitiful way of thumbing my nose at it.
Not that anyone associated with the show will ever know.
But I know.  
It's good to be home, I hope to stay a while this time.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Money, money, money!

This is another piece made from The new collage sheets at

Don't forget to check out the other members of our wonderful
international design team and see what
they have created as well!

Thanks for stopping by.
Right about now, I should be sitting in the Hot springs in the Rockie Mountains.
AS WE SPEAK, no less!

You have to love modern technology.


It's time for a brand new challenge at 
How long has it been since you've been So Artful?
The theme is
C'mon, you can make something wonderful for that!
I hope you decide to join us!
Looking forward to seeing what you create!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Bad Baby

no, not my new grandson.
BAD BABY is this week's challenge at 
I found this site through
and decided this challenge would be fun.
as if I didn't have enough to do
The background stamp is by Inkadinkadoo. It's kind of limited in terms of what
I can do with it, but I do love it.  This was the perfect reason to pull it out.
The baby was courtesy of our good friend Google.
The trim at the right side is my new Tim Holtz Harlequin Border die.

I hope you like it, I'm sending it to a friend tomorrow.
She may wonder what on earth has gotten into me.
Or she may not.
I am Electra, after all.


is what you could call my creation for the Everything Wendy Vecchi group.
The tag was coloured with a variety of Tim Holtz Distress Inks, using
a Dylusions stencil, there are some splashes of
 Luminarte Colour Concentrate.
The canvas was sprayed with
Tattered Angel Chalkboard Ink, and Fireworks mist, 
and the paint is acrylic metallic 
paint by Plaid, mixed with Golden tar gel.
Flowers from Mikey's.
Cardstock from my scrap stash.
Studio 490 stamps from the 
Tools for Art Set.

This is also for the
Rebel Challenge #12-Tilt It Baby!
Rogue Redhead Designs
Thanks for visiting, I hope you're planning on having a great weekend-
I certainly am!
I certainly am, I'm sitting in the Hot Springs in the middle of the Rockie Mountains right about now.
Oh, the miracle of modern technology.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Under The Sea

 on Thursday
(What can I say, I'm way far behind.)
Thanks to Lisa's Altered Art for the little cowpoke and herd.

(Actually, I guess I'm TOO way far behind, the linky must be closed.
Oh well, it was fun and that's what it's all about!)

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie has invited us to link up a photo which contains negative space.
She also allows us to post any piece of Photo Art we wish.
How sweet is that?
My photo started out as this:
It's a photo I took of a railroad track on a really high bridge.
It became this:
with the help of a couple of textures by Bonnie Zeiman, papers by
Ang Campbell and PascaleA (which I used as overlays), one overlay by
Shadowhouse Creations,
and wordart by Lynn-Marie Favreau.
And a LOT of
erasing.,  lol

Yup, I knoew there isn't a lot of negative space left.
Did I not mention we can link up anything we wish?  :-)

Check it out:

You'll be glad you did!
(and I'm glad you stopped by!)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This is for Deena.

who has been asking me for pictures of my new grandson.
Well, he's not THAT new now, he's two months old today.
And isn't he the cutest little thing you ever did see?

Night Magic

is the theme at
this week.
I have not created something fairy-like or along the lines of a Midsummer's Night Dream.
No, I was thinking more of a little night magic in Las Vegas.
I've used elements from 
These are from the new collage sheets she has created.
 I think they're a blast to work with!
You can see more art created with her great sheets by visiting the other members of our
international design team:
Thanks for stopping by!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Out of Bounds

This is for
this week.
The challege is to do something "Out of Bounds"
I used elements by Rian Design, Beth Rimmer and Bleuesse.
I'm also going to show you the first OoB piece I ever did, it was for my Digital Whisper group:

I learn so much there.
sorry, I am still 250 km from home and I cannot remember from whom I got the elements for this one.  When I get back home, I will add them.
Thanks for looking!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


This is for Take A Word

The young ladies are by Hidden Vintage Studios, the photo is my own.
Thanks for looking!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


that you have until June 16th to join in with your creation for the current challenge at
The theme is
I do hope you will join us!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Photo Art Friday - POW Camp 130

I really like Bonnie Zeiman's
There is some AMAZING photographic art there!
This week, Bonnie has invited us to post a black and white photo.
OK, I know it's not exactly black and white, 
I added a sepia tint to make it look like it might have been taken during the war
Anyone who knows me knows I don't follow directions well..
This is a photo of a POW guard tower in our Kananaskis area.
We were out there on the weekend and had a picnic near this tower-
it was very strange and somewhat creepy to look around as we ate our sandwiches and 
know that 10,000 German prisoners lived here at one time.
Initially, there were German Nationals and Merchant Marine Seaman, 
who were captured in Africa.  Later, 600-700 German prisoners were kept here.
After the war, many of those Germans prisoners returned to Germany, 
got their families and returned to the area to settle.
We must have treated them well!

That's the end of today's history lesson.  lol

I also added a couple of textures by Bonnie Zeiman and an overlay by Shadowhouse Creations.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hey Big Spender!

It's a brand new month and that means there are wonderful brand new collage sheets over at
Not only that, but you can see wonderful inspiration 
pieces from the rest of the talented design team members:
and Kaylene

I hope you pick up a couple of these fun sheets and make something wonderful!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Warm Colours

This is my own photo, thanks to Miki Ferkul, Amanda Frijo-Tobin 
and Bonnie Zeiman for the added elements.


Don't ask me why I made this the way I made it.
 It's a CD, with a spiral made of a Cricut die cut which is
to be used to make a flower....
The eye is by Rebecca McMeen...
I think I thought about eyelashes....
liquid pearls and some bling...
flower petals from my flower stash...

It's for

And don't ask me what I'm going to do with it.
cus I have no idea.

I know, I need a life.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Happy Diamond Jubilee, Liz!!!
She's our queen, cus I'm Canadian, and she wouldn't mind being called Liz, y'know.  
(As long as I curtsey when I say it.)
This is for this week's

When I think of our queen, I think of two things.
1.  What a lovely young girl when was when she became our queen and
2. her funky little "queen" wave.
Hence, the gloved hands.

Thanks for stopping by!


The image of the happy (?!) couple is from Sum of All Crafts, 
the rest of the elements are by Dido Designs

It's all relative

Have you heard me whining about how long 
it's been taking me to scrapbook all of my mother's photos 
that I found in a couple of boxes when she passed away?
When, whine no more, Electra, because you're finished!
It feels good to be done, believe me.  
And I can rest knowing that my daughter has at least 
a little bit of our family history documented.
The new challenge at 
You know you can create something with that broad theme in mind.
I'm now going to overwhelm you with a few maybe too many  
of those vintage LO's that I've completed:

 OK, I'm done.
You can relax now.
I do hope you'll join us at 
and play along. 
You have until June 16th to create something wonderful!
Have a funny day, in the meantime.