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Monday, January 31, 2011

Can't talk. Too late. Past my bedtime.

Challenge #88-Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
The little tot and her chickens are from clipart by Lisa's Altered Art.
Before the kid got hold of them, that is.


  1. I love the statement on that card...mmm kfc sounds good right now...and it is toonie tuesday here in the 'peg...but it is just too cold to go out for lunch...brrr -31 right now with the wind -43....i can feel things freezing already and i am not even outside yet!

  2. Hahahaha. I love this.
    Okay, off to get the coffee out of my keyboard.
    Perfect for OPUS GLUEI.

  3. Oh my gosh, this is perfect - I love her expression! (hide them chickens, darlin' or paint them to look like fat peacocks)

    I'm so glad you like our challenges, we love seeing your take on them!

  4. Lol love love love this one my friend
    also i just wanted to let you know i have a free shabby chic collage sheet for today only,its on my dezinaworld blog please feel free to pop by and grab it while its there.
    have a lovely day
    hugs June x

  5. LOL! Love this, totally fantastic AND humorous!

  6. LOL..Instant smile here!

    You do such fabulous work and this one is too precious.

  7. Just love your work and humour. Come on over and add your name to my give away.xx


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