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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Editorial Comment

It's chilly outside.
Nope, that's ridiculous.
friggin' cold!
Not as cold as a month ago when we were the second coldest spot on earth, mind you, but
I feel much better now.


  1. We have a Tim Horton's right up the road from us and boy do I love it! I don't drink coffee but I do like their tea. When I had Momma with me, we would go everyday because we needed to get out and she needed her Canadian Maple donut. When she died the owner and her daughter of our local store came to the viewing. I was so touched by that. It meant a lot to me. I still go almost everyday. It is like I am keeping the tradition alive for us.

  2. What a sweet story Heather, thank you for sharing it. I actually do not like their coffee at all, but it's a Canadian icon for sure. I love their donuts though. Next time I have a Maple donut, I'll toast your Momma.

  3. Being in Tennessee I have never heard of Tim Horton's (I know it is hard to believe) but I LOVE that image! Of course I love coffee and donuts too.

    It has been a crazy cold winter everywhere, even here. Good snuggle weather though. Try to stay warm.

  4. Very, very cool! No pun intended. lol. Never heard of Tim Horton, but then again, I'm in the U.S. Must be the equivalent of the Starbucks. I like the Tim Horton cups, though!

  5. Timmy's is better than starbucks...quicker and half the thing that we have better than the states....brrr...stay warm

  6. I've heard about Tim Horton's. I love me a good cup 'o joe. Mmmmm. Too bad it can keep me up at night. It would be great right this minute. Love your page.


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