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Monday, February 28, 2011

Romantic Imperialism

I love this image.  I used her on a couple of projects this weekend.
This is a painting by Leon Francois Comerre
and Jeanette of Soartful Challenges has presented us with this for week.
Here is my creation:

Have a funny week.
Unless you have other plans.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is for Take a Word's Challenge #18 and the Exotic theme for Digital Whisper's 100 Theme challenge.  I have completed 12 of the 100 themes, and we are just entering the third month of the year.  By my calculations (keeping in mind I failed math in school), I have to do 9.8 pieces of art each month if I am going to meet my goal.  Yikes.  I'd better get to bed.  And quit my job.  And install Photoshop Elements on my work computer.
That said, I can actually tell you what I used in this piece (mostly)!
Thanks you, thank you, thank you very much.
Applause, applause, applause.
The word Art is by Aridna Wiczling.  The chandlier is Holliewood's.  I used a paper template by Syndee Nickles.  Numerous textures by Kim Klassen.  And an unknown mask and background paper.  Oh yeah, the buddha is a photo I took at the King's Palace in Bangkok, Thailand.
Can't get much more exotic than that!
See you soon.


I've been paper scrapping lately.  There is such a backlog of pages I need to do that I'm contemplating quitting my job and just staying home and scrapbooking.  I estimate I have enough scrapbook supplies to keep going for at least a couple of years.  Food?  Well, that MAY be a problem.  But at least I have my priorities straight.
Having said that, you can expect to see LO's from, oh, say, a day, a month, a year, maybe even a decade ago appear here from time to time.  Christmas may follow a summer trip to the mountains.  There may be a litle Halloween thrown in with my parent's wedding pictures.  Consider yourself warned.  There will be no rhyme nor reason, just LO's.
Today, I bring you Montana, one of our favorite places to visit.  It's a short drive from where I live and it's across the border.  The shopping is sweet and we've discovered some restaurants which make the gas cost worth it.
Nuff said.
I'll spare you a commentary on each page.
Suffice it to say it was a good trip.
Thanks for looking!

Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Friday again.

Funny how that seems to happen every week.  Look at this image:
Now look at this image:

See anything different about it?
The lady is from Dover Editors, the gentleman (well, I GUESS we shouldn't call him a gentleman under the circumstances) is by Freubel.
The bugle is a dingbat.   Can you hear it?
Da Da Da DAH!!!
(Well, I know what I mean.)
Maybe it's the guy who's the dingbat.
But I digress.
You'll want to go visit Freubel's site, she has some very cool work there.
And while you're at it, you might want to go say hello to Peggy at Friday Foto Collage.
She has some more fun "playgroundy" images for you to play with this week.
You'll have so much fun.
I certainly did.

OK, I'm done now.  You may go to bed.
Good night.

"Sore Loser"

That's the name of this image that we have been kindly given for Art Creations Friday #106
Isn't this precious?  I don't know if this is a boy or a girl, but I'm going to say Girl.

Kids say the darndest things.

Fill Ins #8

1. Ooooh, I _want to get on that plane with you!_.
2. _Hurry up_, I can't stand it!
3. How the heck did I end up with so many _dishes???_.
4. _Anywhere but here, right now_ is one of my favorite places to visit.
5. I'm not a _goombah_, I'm not!
6. _If you're recommending it_ it has to be good.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _scrapbooking at a workshop_, tomorrow my plans include _cleaning house_ and Sunday, I want to _make some decent yorkshire pudding for my dinner guest_!
 See more Fill Ins here

Thursday, February 24, 2011

100 Themes Challenge

I'm participating in the 100 Themes Challenge at Digital Whisper.
We have been given a list of 100 diffferent themes and we can create digital art from each of the 100 themes. Here is one:
Oh, what the heck, here's another:

This one is for "Rock Star"
You need to have 100 (different ) excuses if you are NOT going to participate in this challenge.
And you need to send them all to me.
Get to it.

PIning for Houseboats

As we speak, it is 32 degrees below zero.  Now for my 'merican friends in the deep south (although I just heard that San Francisco is going to have snow for the first time in 30 years), that is 26 degrees below zero in Farhenheit. I have no idea how to spell that.)
I was going to say
but then I thought to myself, perhaps that's not politically correct these days.  So,
Anyhow, a friend of mine who lives in lotusland was asking to see the pics I took of some houseboats when I was out there a month ago.
And I thought, that'll warm me up!
So, I give you

Do you feel warmer now?
I know I certainly do.
Gotta go, Cupcake Wars is on.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Art Creations Friday Challenge 105

Who doesn't love Mucha?
And who doesn't love Art Creations Friday?
This beautiful background is by Freubel.
And I had help with numerous textures by Kim Klassen.

While we're on the topic of Kim Klassen, I'm taking her
Photoshop skinny Mini E-course and learning how to use textures.
It is so much fun.
Here is something I did yesterday:
This is a photo I took:
This is an image provided by Kim:

Pretty, eh?
Add a few textures, add some words, do a little work on it all and this

will be a great background for an ATC, doncha think?
Thanks for lookin'.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Public Service Announcement

I know I generally have a little bit of fun with this blog, but I want to take a moment to mention something fairly serious.  A friend of mine had her identity stolen and I want to make sure everyone knows how prevalent this is these days.

You can never be too careful!

Kings & Queens

Is Kings and Queens.
The Steampunk parts are from Valerie of Sum of All Crafts and the queen?
Well, she is MY queen.
I am, after all, a Canadian.
(I'm sure she wouldn't mind my using her image in this way.)

Altered Metal Alcohol Inks

(please scroll down for OG #91-Well-Read)

I love long weekends, don't you?
I've played
in my studio.
No interruptions.
Not one.
I got so much done, I can hardly stand it.
Here's the first.
These 3 ATC's are for Linda Ledbetter's Challenge #33.
Are you impressed that I actually got it done the very first day it was posted?
I am.THEN,
for my good friends over at The Order of The Opus Gluei have given us their illustrious (isn't that a great word?)
Challenge #91:
Well Read
Huh? you say.
What does THIS have to do with "Well Read" ? you ask.
Look closer.

I made the flowers out of pages from a book.  Not a new book.
Our library has a table of discarded/have seen better days books for sale and I picked this up from there. 
No real books were harmed in the making of this project.

but most certainly not least,

two ATC's I made for a swap.


Basically the door (kind of important for a challenge with the theme "Door") and the majority of the other elements are by Holliewood.
The lady?
John William Waterhouse.
I have her saved in my documents with the heading "tiny waist".
I don't know if you can see it, but her waist is about the size of my ankle.  Proportionally.
Or is that Porportionally?
Who knows.

Friday Photo Collage

This is the image Peggy has given us this week:
And this is what I've done with it.
I will say that removing the background from all of those pretty little pieces of vintage jewelry was no easy feat.
I'm going to go have a nap now.
You should check it out!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Both Images by Dezinaworld.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday Fill Ins we go!

1. New experiences and possibilities _sometimes intimidate me, but I always go for it._.

2. _Things took an_ unexpected turn on a daily walk _yesterday_.

3. I'm looking forward to _the long weekend_.

4. _My mother would _ never have imagined.

5. Try to find _people who will be honest with you_.

6. _My humour_ is what's extraordinary about me.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to  meeting friends in another town_, tomorrow my plans include _a long overdue haircut_ and Sunday, I want to _work in my studio_!

Gothic Cottage

Jeannette of

gave us this image this week:

And June of Dezinaworld has asked us to ceate something in the theme of "Teeny Tiny"
Isn't that a great theme?
Well, I've combined the two and come up with this;

I call it "Gulliver"
I'm pretty sure he didn't eat people, no matter how little they are, but the way he is looking at the ladies.....
The ladies, BTW are from Dezinaworld and Lisa's Altered art.
You can click on the pic to enlarge it.
The rest of the background (and foreground) scene is a photo I took.
And Gulliver.  Well, good ol' Google gave him to me.

Feeling Sketchy

The Gluei Poobahs have given us a sketch this week and suggested we use it as a jumping off point for a creation.
Here is the sketch:
I don't follow directions very well.  Never have.  Not that I have a formal diagnosis or anything (well, that's not EXACTLY true, I did once, but it was in the midst of a particularly bad adolescent year).
But I did VERY well this week.

It's not very fancy, but it's perfect, as far as I'm concerned.  It's for a litle girl (well, I guess 11 isn't really little) who has JUST discovered scrapbooking and she likes purple.  And my friend Jana, who just HAPPENS to be one of the OG Poobahs, mentioned that she's been purging her studio and SO DID I!
And this purple card will be sitting on top of the box of goodies, my little friend is going to get in the mail.
So Poobahs, I salute you!
(and if you are not poobah-savvy and think I have totally lost my ind and am speaking in toungues. (oh!  Is that how you put a cross through a word!  I thought it was spell-check!) tongues, have no fear!
Take a Risk!  Kick your heels up and...well, you get the picture.
But you'll like them.  A lot.
You will too so.

Inking and Stamping Masks

This week's challenge for the Compendium of Curiosities challenge #32 is on page 59 of Tim's fabulous book.  You've got  yours done, right?  I knew that.
I kept it really simple.  I got this wonderful Itty Bitty stamp by Unity, through Eclectic Paperie and I fell in love with it.  If it wouldn't bother you too much, I would like to make a
projects with it.  My next gazillion.
The background stamp is by The Stamp Barn.
It's about a gazillion years old. the stamp, not the Stamp Barn.   Althugh maybe the Stamp Barn is that old.
I'm not sure.
Gazillion is my number for today.
See some very impressive art here.
All from page 59.

One World, One Heart Winner!

See on the picture-Jan 30 - FEB 17th, 2011
That means, it's over.
Sniff, sniff.
The fifth and final year of the PREMIERE World Wide Blogging Eventh is over.
The good news is that I have a
WINNER of my pink goodies!

Graciela Rios
of El Rey Gato
She lives in Mexico-how cool is that?

What a blast I had visiting everyone and making new friends.

I was feeling somewhat sad to see it all end, but
Sweet Lisa who has so generously hosted this event for all of the
five, count 'em, five years, has announced:

How cool is that?
You can get all the deets here.
It's going to be wonderful.
Don't miss out.
I know where you live.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Another wordless Wednesday

See more Wordless Wednesdays here

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Art Creation Friday

Whose loss do YOU think it is?  His loss or HER loss?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Say Hi to them at Art Creations Friday.
The background and the lucky lady who is walking away are by Holliewood.
Mr. Umbrella Stand in the front was assembled using the lovely Valerie Brincheck's steampunk parts. 

I'm also posting this for Digital Whisper's "Alley" theme.

Friday Foto Collage

Here we go again with Peggy Gatto's Challenge, She gave us some bird images to alter and this is mine:

Go on over and say Hi to Peggy at her Fridayfotocollage.  Tell her you were talking to me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep

and does NOT know where to find them.

Perhaps she will find them over at Dezinaworld's Spot Challenge
Ms. Peep is by Dezinaworld
The little doggy is by Land of Nod
The background is by Holliewood.
And the sheep in the room?  Well, where does one get a sheep?

From Googleland, of course. Silly question.

Personally, I think he spotted the big stick she's carryin and he'll be pretty good at hiding for some time more.

I can't sleep tonight

Here is my tribute to Valentine's Day, which it is now officially:

Valentine's ATC's

And Last, but not least (at least I hope not)
my ROMANCE piece for Take A Word

And it seems only fitting that I submit this one for Kimmie's Digital Whisper "Love" theme
OK, I"m done now.
Maybe I'll sleep now.