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Sunday, June 3, 2012


Happy Diamond Jubilee, Liz!!!
She's our queen, cus I'm Canadian, and she wouldn't mind being called Liz, y'know.  
(As long as I curtsey when I say it.)
This is for this week's

When I think of our queen, I think of two things.
1.  What a lovely young girl when was when she became our queen and
2. her funky little "queen" wave.
Hence, the gloved hands.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Fabulous pic of her in her younger days, Electra!

  2. You picked a perfect portrait of 'Liz' here, Electra, love the 'gloved hands' touch!!

  3. I think this is so elegant love the texture you gave it...well done girl friend!

  4. Love this. My mom made sure that me and my sister had that royal little "queen wave" perfected when we were younger. Now she has taught my girls. And they DO it everytime they drive off. It's hilarious. There is an art to it, you know?!?!?!

  5. So, not jazz hands then, Electra? Your tribute is super!

  6. I've been a BAD blogger..but I'm always stalking you...never fear. Really wonderful work as always!

  7. I love the way you placed the hands. It's almost like a cute little shrug paired with the innocent look on her face.

  8. Very nice and I'm sure Liz would approve. I think she had amazing grace and poise to be thrust in a lifelong career at only 26 years of age. God bless her, and that is said with absolutely no snark. (and coming from a Yank no less)


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