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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Hybrid Holiday

for the current challenge at

You know I love digital, right?
Well, now is my chance to make some digital Christmas cards.
(not that I ever need a reason)
Digital elements are by Hidden Vintage Studios and Syndee Nuckles
Digital elements are by Hidden Vintage Studios
Digital elements are by Brandy Murry, Finecrafted Designs, and Kerry Klaassen Veale
Digital elements are by Graphics Fairy and Hidden Vintage Studios

I know, I know, I made four.
 You know I love digital, right?

Check out the other hybrid creations at
cus they do.
Rock, that is. 

I'll see you there! 


for Take A Word this week
 Woo Hoo!  Making this made me very happy!

credits:  Lisa's Altered Art, Beth Rimmer, Bonnie Zeiman, and Berna Datema

Thanks for stopping by.
I'll pass you as I am flying by the other Butterfly creations at

Once Upon A Time

credits: Berna Datema, Itkupilli, Susan Tuttle
Thanks for coming by, see you in the yellow pages!

Opus Gluei Challenge #160

Pin it, Spin it and Win it!

I found this quote inspirational.
and made this:
So there!

credits: Gecko Galz, Studio Rosey Posey, Tangie Baxter, 
Shadowhouse Creations and Marta Van Eck

The exciting part of this challenge is that 
there are goodies up for grabs!
Pop on over to The Order of the Opus Gluei 
and become a follower, if you aren't already.
You'll find all the deets for the goodies there! 

I'm looking forward to seeing what you 
pin, spin and perhaps even win!

Thanks for coming by! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I would love for you to see this.

This is a video dedicated to all the EMS (and military) 
who are helping us through this horrible time. 

And just a side note-in the pic of the man swimming through the flood waters, the black thing in front of him is his CAT
And they are both OK.

It really says it all.

True Happiness

Electra here,
I was blessed a few days ago to be invited my my friend, Marie, 
to create something for this week's
I was thrilled!
And I had just finished a canvas the very day she asked me, 
so the theme took care of itself.
  I started with some Bo Bunny paper and built it up from there, 
using all sorts of stuff I had lying around.
a couple of days after I told Marie what theme I would like,
our city got hit with the worst flooding that has ever taken
place in our area and it's been chaos ever since. 
 Our city sits between two rivers, 
and we got 1/2 of our yearly rainfall in three days...
100,000 people evacuated, incredible damage,
the downtown core is under water. 
I live about 20km west of the city, above the town, 
kind of on a mountain,
 and I'm safe and dry.
Our town is being used as a staging area for the military.
I can honestly say, 
I never expected to see tanks driving down my street. 
 There are highways washed out east, west and south of us.
  To be honest, I think we are all a little shocked.
And so tired.
I work in the city and got the call-it happened so fast-
-we managed to evacuate 78 men in 8 minutes (I run three halfway houses) 
and found a safe place for them to stay.
It could be worse.
The homeless shelter had to move 1500.
But they are nearby, also warm and safe.
I just came from our halfway houses, 
there is 3 feet of black smelly water throughout.
But we are all warm and safe.
Some people lost everything.
Some have died.  And some are missing.
So, my theme remains
True Happiness
 It's fitting, don't you think?
Thanks Marie, I needed this, 
and thank you all for stopping by.
Count your blessings, my friends.
It can all change in a split second.


Weekend Reflections

Not far from where I live. 
 I took this last summer - today I wouldn't be able to get there, 
cus the highway is washed out.  
But the army is rebuilding.  
We'll be back to normal soon, hopefully.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you taking the time!

Weekend Reflections 

Garden Fairies

The current theme at the luscious site
Garden Fairies
Isn't that a lovely theme?
And their DT has created some precious treasures, 
I hope you visit to see them.
I made this
I used a tiny wooden cabinet from Retro Art Cafe,
papers by Graphics 45
and paint, flowers and glitter from my stash.
Thanks for Lunagirl for the inspiration!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's the final day of the
Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!
Have you been hopping with us?
Isn't there some incredible art by our members?
It takes my breath away, to tell you the truth.
I've had such fun.
credits:  Gecko Galz, Fidlette Designs, Studio 68, Beth Rimmer, Ikupilli,
 Finecrafted Designs, Syndee Nuckle, and Holliewood Studios

Digital Whisper is an amazing community which welcomes ALL Digital Artists.
Digital Whisper has several groups that you may choose to join 
and many have challenges and offer tutorials that help 
in learning new techniques to grow as an artist.
Weekly Challenges are also posted if you choose to not join any of our groups.
Masterpieces are created everyday and
We are very proud of all the talent we have in our community,
 so whether you are a newbie or you have been creating for years, 
we would love to have your share your Digital Whispers with us! 

Just click on the badge on the right sidebar and it will take you to our group.

 Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!

You are invited to visit the member's blogs 
and take a look at some of the magic we create!

It hopefully will inspire you to join us and learn and enjoy!

I want to thank you for joining us in our first Blog Hop
and hope that it has been as magical for you as it has been for us.
Do check us out at Digital Whisper, if you haven't done so already,
and please join us as we learn together, share our art and
our love for all things digital.

And thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop

 It's Day Two of our first
 Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!
Were you here yesterday?  Did you visit all the blogs?
Are you eager to try some digital art now?
I do hope so.
credits: Tangie Baxter, Tumblefish Studios, Finecrafted Designs, and Joanne Brisbois

Digital Whisper is an amazing community which welcomes ALL Digital Artists.
Digital Whisper has several groups that you may choose to join 
and many have challenges and offer tutorials that help 
in learning new techniques to grow as an artist.
Weekly Challenges are also posted if you choose to not join any of our groups.
Masterpieces are created everyday and
We are very proud of all the talent we have in our community,
 so whether you are a newbie or you have been creating for years, 
we would love to have your share your Digital Whispers with us! 

Just click on the badge on the right sidebar and it will take you to our group.

 Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!

You are invited to visit the member's blogs 
and take a look at some of the magic we create!

It hopefully will inspire you to join us and learn and enjoy!

You can't help but be inspired as you go
from blog to blog to see what's next!
I think you'll find some really cool
and interesting projects at these wonderful blogs -
 you might  like their art so much
you' ll want to join our group too!

And I'm sure you and I will meet as we create Digital Whispers together!

Thank you for dropping by!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June Bride

I made a simple ATC, with some googled images.
As well, I put this together quickly in honour up my darling daughter's upcoming nuptuals:

The theme of her wedding is "Peacock".
Can you tell?  lol
(images from Pinterest)

Have a funny day!!

Digital Whisper Blog Hop!!

 credits: Jagged Touch Studio, Gecko Gakz, Thao Cosgrove, Shabby Blog, Madelyn, Emka Designs

Yes, Dear Readers, it's time for the much-anticipated
Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!

What's Digital Whisper??  (you ask)

Well, it's a community of very talented artists, 
who share their love of all art digital!
(and they let ME join - Me!!)

 credits: Finecrafted Designs, Beth Rimmer, Gecko Galz, Eena's Creation, Marta Van Eck, 
Holliewood Studios, Pink Lotty, Tumblefish Studios, and Off With The Fairies

This amazing community welcomes ALL Digital Artists.
Digital Whisper has several groups that you may choose to join 
and many have challenges and offer tutorials that help 
in learning new techniques to grow as an artist.
Weekly Challenges are also posted if you choose to not join any of our groups.
Masterpieces are created everyday and
Digital Whisper is very proud of all the talent we have in our community,
 so whether you are a newbie or you have been creating for years, 
we would love to have your share your Digital Whispers with us! 

Just click on the badge on the right sidebar and it will take you to our group.

It's time to celebrate our first
 Midsummer's Eve Blog Hop!

You are invited to visit the member's blogs 
and take a look at some of the magic we create!

It hopefully will inspire you to join us and learn and enjoy!

credits:  Hidden vintage Studios, Beth Rimmer, Scrapgirls Collaberation, Bonnie Zeiman, and Rosie Posie Studio

You can't help but be inspired as you go
from blog to blog to see what's next!
I think you'll find some really cool
and interesting projects at these wonderful blogs -
 you might  like their art so much
you' ll want to join our group too!

And I'm sure you and I will meet as we create Digital Whispers together!

Thank you for dropping by, now grab a cuppa
and go blog-hopping!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday, June 16, 2013


for Jingle Belles this week.
I seem to have not gotten my act together to participate in this
rockin'challenge blog very often lately, so 
I made three cards for one.
Plus, I've been doing too much digital and not enough paper...
And we all know how gooooooooood paper feels.
Merry christmas!
(I'm only saying that because it's so darn cold outside.)

Thanks for stopping by-I hope to see you at
cus they rock.


I spent a long time looking for a photograph I took
who knows how long ago, of a carousel spinning
for this week's theme.
It's great photo.
This isn't it.
The pretty lady is by Gecko Galz, and just about everything else is Googled.
The sparkle in the sky is by Holliewood Studios
and the texture overlay is Susan Tuttle's.

I appreciate your visit and hope life is treating you well today!


credits:  Finecrafted Designs, Eena's Creations,
Kim Klassen, Cemerony, Holliewood Studios,
Wish Bliss Studio

Have a great day.
Unless you have other plans.

Sunshine for Quotography

OK, I cannot tell a lie.  I took this photo, yes, 
and I THINK I took it in Arizona,
but that was such a l-o-n-g road trip, 
that it may be New Mexico or Utah or...
Humour me, OK?
I like the quote, and it spoke to my heart.
So if this is NOT in Arizona, let's pretend it is.  lol

Have a funny day!

Just Because

Happy Father's Day!

Give Me Wings

Challenge #159 at
is presented to us by our sweet, multi-talented Poobah Rosemary this time.
She is inviting us to make something, anything to do with wings.  
If you know us at all, 
you know that we are not particularly anal about our
interpretation of our guidelines.
You could repurpose something that's been sitting around in your backyard 
for the past ten years, 
that has had a fly-by of a bird as that bird was heading south.
I made a tag.
The lady is an image from Dezinaworld, 
the background is a Ranger tag that I just fooled around with, 
with no particular plan in mind, 
and the words are from one of Tim Holtz' new stamps, 
that I couldn't afford but bought anyways.
You know how THAT goes, don't you?
 The wings themselves are made out of a couple of layers of
Fantasy Film, that I placed overtop of an old
Inkadinkado butterfly stamp that I had laying around,
which I had inked up really well with STAZON ink.
Then I ironed the film onto the rubber 
(not clear! - this is hot, folks!) stamp.
And when I peeled if off:

How magical is that?
(BTW, I placed my Ranger Craft Mat over top of the film when I ironed it)
You could do this too and make wings. 
Put them on your cat's back.
Make a headband for yourself and send us your self-portrait.
Heck, sneak up on the person you like least in your office, when s/he 
is napping in the lunchroom and take a photo of them with the wings 
sprouting out of their back.
(make sure you make a copy for the boss)
tee hee
Join us.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


credits:  Dezinaworld, Gecko Galz, Sissy Sparrow, 
Holliewood, Lost and Taken and Blueesse
(It took me longer to post the credits than it did to make the piece! - lol)

Weekend Reflections

is the name of a crazy-good photography site I found today.
The criteria for participating is that there be some kind of a reflection in
the photo you have taken.
You know I live in the mountains, right?
Well, right at the base, to be honest.
 Nuff said

Be Kind

My photo of the stop sign, all other elements are by Sissy Sparrows.
I hope your weekend is a blast.
And that it doesn't snow here today. :-(

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


the word being "Bird", of course.

credits: Durin Eberhart, Laurie Anderson, Wish Bliss Studio, Kim Klassen

I hope you participate with us this week, who doesn't love birds?

See you there:  Take A Word

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sisters and Brothers


credits:  Beth Rimer, Rucola Designs, Kim Meeder

Thanks for stopping by, can't chat, past my bedtime!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Shabby Chic in 3D

This is for Unruly Paper Arts
June Reader Art Quest

I'm not sure exactly what Shabby Chic is, but I think this is close.
Thanks for stopping by!

Take A Word-Cool Colours

credits:  Wish Bliss Studios, Bonnie Zeiman,
Dazzle, Angie Briggs, and Amanda McGee

Thanks for stopping by!

SPA-Art Journal

credits: Outside the Box Studio, J Larsen, 
Rosie Posey, Dawn Inskip, Stuodio Maya, and Sissy Sparrow

I'll see you over at

There will be some spectacular art over there this week!

Page 20

this week

The photo of the rose is my own, 
I've added a stamp by Sissy Sparrows, a border by Brandy Murry, 
and put it on a paper by Correen Silke.
The sentiment is by a book by Father John Doe, written in 1963.
I have his entire series of books and they are pure wisdom.
Sometimes after a particularly challenging day at work, I'll read this one:
The Golden Book of Sanity.

I can't imagine why.

Geisha Domino Book

It seems like I either post a whole bunch, or I don't post at all for a few days.
 Oh well.  Here I am again
Just stopped by to show you a little domino book
 I made using Graphics 45 Bird Song papers
and Gecko Galz images.

That's it for now.
Good to see you.
(You loook great, BTW).

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

There are those who would say there is no gothic arch

in my piece for The Three Muses
They would be wrong.
It's there.  In fact, that's what I started with.
But as with al OCD-y type folk, I got carried away and 
it may have gotten obscured by other stuff.
So be it.  
Scoffers can scoff.
I know it's there.
crecitsL  Cemerony, Bonnie Zeiman, Altered Emporium,
Finecrafted Designs and Mickroferk.

So call the Art Police if you think I'm not being truthful.
And I guess I would end up in Art Jail.
Do they have mixed media supplies there?
Is the food good?
Anything for my craft!

Thanks for looking.
Might you have some bail money you could spare?

Bathing Beauties

This is for the new challenge at
And please accept my apologies, everyting I used in this, 
I pulled from my far too extensive stash.
So I cannot credit the right folks.
Usually I'm, good that way, but when yu use really old stufffffffff.......

Thanks for stopping by-I hope to see your entry at