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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Easy Peasy Post

I had big plans tonight to post. Big plans, But I got busy in my studio and it's now after 2AM. Geesh. So this is what I'm posting instead. With few words to accompany it. Except to say that I scrap-lifted the plan for this page from Gina Cunningham of *Tyggereye Art Love
I hope you'll visit her blog, she's one of the most creative people I "know" I say "know" like that cus I only know her through her blog. But her blog is inspiring, I hope you go over there to see for yourself. You won't be disappointed.


  1. Hi Electra, thanks for coming to visit my blog and your kind comment. Your blog is a lovely place to visit and I look forward to seeing whatever's coming next! Penny x

  2. Dang, how did I miss out on the calendar thing? Yours is like the fifth one I've seen lately (and the coolest) and I wish I'd hopped on this train, too.

    Great work, GF!

  3. Oop! I don't know that it's a train actually, if it is, no one told me. Usually, I get hit by the trains, not hop on them.

  4. I love it, it is colourful and bright and has loverly owls!
    I first heard about this amazing idea through Kate Crane's blog, she is a fabulous, talented stamper and artist that is published in Craft Stamper magazine, (a great monthly English magazine that I always look forward to getting.)
    Here is her link if your interested, I'm sure you'll like her quirky style :-)

    'Cos you know how none of us spend enough time blurfing....

    P.S. You're latest comment on my blog gave me the warm fuzzes. Thank you :-)

  5. Spectacular work, I can't believe you can do this sort of thing at 1-2 a.m. I'd be passed out cold. Love it.

  6. See the eyeballs on the owl? That's me.

  7. You're right, Gini, I love her style. Thanks for the link!

  8. I love this. Your digi skills are terrific. Love the owlie. Gonna go check out his eyes a bit closer. Or is it a she???

  9. Well, s/he looks tired, so that would imply a woman, but there's no jewelry.


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