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Monday, June 21, 2010

And lastly,

I would wear the pink one to a baby shower. (if I were the baby lol)
Oop! I neglected to say that these ATC's are my contribution to Chriss' June Swap. We've already had the "silly" conversation, so I needn't say it again. Go. Now! Never mind supper. You ate already today. Thanks for looking!


  1. Love these and what's wrong with a Cuttlebug obsession? LOL You say that like it's a problem (hee hee)

  2. Love the buggin' you been doin'. Looks awesome, and is that really ever satisfied? I don't think so.

  3. Well, they're just fabulous! I'm going to go check out the other blogs now, because you're right-- I hate when everyone realizes I'm silly!


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