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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Art Creations Friday Challenge 105

Who doesn't love Mucha?
And who doesn't love Art Creations Friday?
This beautiful background is by Freubel.
And I had help with numerous textures by Kim Klassen.

While we're on the topic of Kim Klassen, I'm taking her
Photoshop skinny Mini E-course and learning how to use textures.
It is so much fun.
Here is something I did yesterday:
This is a photo I took:
This is an image provided by Kim:

Pretty, eh?
Add a few textures, add some words, do a little work on it all and this

will be a great background for an ATC, doncha think?
Thanks for lookin'.


  1. These are all fabulous!! I've been learning with Kim Klassen also, just wish there was more time to play and practice!! You've got it down girl!

  2. Oh what a fantastic piece you have made for ACF, Mucha picture are so great to use, your photo shop image are wonderful.

  3. Whoa! Love that layout! Truly spectacular, and that photo of the flowers, amazing! I wanna be you when I grow up!

  4. That's a cool effect you've created!


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