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Friday, September 30, 2011

Autumn Mosaic

This is my favorite photo that I've taken so far this season.  It's of a new provincial park we have about 5 minutes from where I'm moving to.  When I came over the hill and saw this, it took my breath away!
I've altered it a bit for this week's

Friday Fill Ins

1. I need _a vacation_.
2. _How_ lucky we were.
3. A great deal _of the time I really don't have a clue what's going on_.
4. _She looked around furtively and drained her_ big tall glass.
5. It was announced _quietly when no one was really listening_.
6. _Hide your_ steak knives!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _packing_, tomorrow my plans include _a massage and a crop_ and Sunday, I want to _do a Photo Walk_!
If you aren't too busy having fun this weekend, pop on over to
and say HI to Janet!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

(Witches by Valerie of Sum of All Crafts,
Background and hats by Lisa's Altered Art, Apple by Mackintosh.)


Nothing special here, but if you look really closely, you will see peeking out a spider embellishment.
Those who know me, know that is the ONLY thing I do not love about Halloween.
So I'm telling you this because when I went to take the pic of my workdesk and I saw the spider, I was so scared, I had to quickly shove it under my new Wendy stamp so it couldn't get me.
Now you know me better.

Here Comes Susy Snowflake!!!

or so the Belles over at Jingle Belles tell me.
They said, go forth and make a Christmas card that involves snowflakes.
Now, see, I live in Canada.
And we don't SAY the S-word until it's flying in our window and
we have to plug our cars in or they won't start.
But I like the Belles.
And so I made a card a la "S"
You have to look at it in two parts.

and 2. (work with me here, folks)

I Cuttle-bugged (that's a verb, right?) a piece of acrylic whatever you call it
and then swiped some Brilliance white ink over it to highlight the s-flakes
but that didn't really work so let's just say it did and call it a day, OK?
And the sweet girls are by Lisa's Altered Art.
And there is some glitter on it, but it doesn't show up in the photo and I'm not doing it again.
You can imagine glitter.
Of course you can, you wouldn't be reading this blog if your couldn't.
Heck, we wouldn't even be friends!

I'm kind of late, but you still have, er, maybe 20 hours or so to make something white and cold.
Go on, you can do it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Take A Word-Album

This is a photo of my mom at 18.  I was born when she was 38.  She passed on when she was 90.
Hard to believe she was that young once...I suppose my daughter will look at shots of me as a young woman and wonder too...

Party Animals!

'member how I told you I made two for the Gingersnap Creations Gal Pals challenge?
Well, I decided to use the second one for their

Here it is:

See why?
They actually ARE Gal Pals, but hey,
what do BFF's do but
whenever they can?
See I told you I would show you...

The "girls" are by Lisa's Altered Art.
Hats are by Dezinaworld and the banner is by Wish Bliss Studio.
Excuse me now, I have to go find my party dress...

Gal Pals

I cannot tell a lie.
I accidentally made two pieces for this challenge.
I was having so much fun, that one thing led to another and well,...

The girls  are by Lisa's Altered Art.
You don't need to make two tho.
One will do.
You'll see the other one shortly.


is one of the 100 themes at

Look at this:

Is this not SO COOL?!?
this is the image that Peggy Gatto has given us for this week's

(PLEASE NOTE_I did not make this awesome piece, Peggy did.  She makes great stuff all the time.)
I used it as a starting point however.
And ended up with this:

Lessee...elements used are Crowabout Studios, Amanda Sok, Amy Hutchinson.
Please email me if you want to know which is which.
Thanks for looking!

Owl Always Love You

The newest challenge at 
The Order of the Opus Gluei

involves Owls.
I love Owls. 
 They aren't like other birds, who have been known to fly around and terrorize folks
(think Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"). 
Owls just kind of sit and look Owlish.
I made some ATC's:
So will you make something that has some kind of a connection with Owls?
Or Owl Love?
Or whatever tickles your fancy in an owlish way?
Or WHOOO-ever.
We'd love to have you join in at
I'll see you over there.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. When I walk around my neighborhood I see _what I'm leaving_.

2. _Food_ is my favorite thing to cook.

3. Life is _hard sometimes_.

4. My _comfy bed_ makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

5. _Acorn Squash_ is my favorite Autumn vegetable.

6. _Popcorn_ is better when it is _buttered_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _maybe relaxing_, tomorrow my plans include _getting a new light fixture installed_ and Sunday, I want to _leave the city and take some photos_!
See more Fill Ins here

Autumn and Lace

I know it's kind of hard to see the lace in this, but it IS there.  In two places.  Really!  lol
I made this piece for Dezinaworld's Spot Prize Challenge
I love putting art together using June's lovely images.
This pretty lady is no exception.
I lost all my Dezinaworld images in my recent computer crash
and she kindly replaced all of them for me, when I told her.
How cool is that???
People like June restore my faith in humanity.
OK, that's a tad melodramatic.
I adore her.   SO THERE.
The lady is of course, by Dezinaworld,
the flower in her hair is from The Gilded Lily,
the word art is by Bethany's Elegant WordArt.
Thanks for stopping by today.

Retro Cafe Art Gallery!!

is having a Giveaway!!
All the DEETS are here

The best part of this news is that it involved their new Land of Enchantment Collage Sheets.
I spent a bunch of time wandering around their site (something I do often) and these new sheets are really special.  So check it out!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Everything Wendy Vecchi

I made this for the EVERYTHING WENDY group that I belong to
and always forget to participate in.  My buddy Lori said on here blog that the current challenge only required you to make a tag and use two Studio 490 stamps.
I would have been a BAD CRAFTER if I hadn't done that.
Anyone can do that.
Even me, with all that is going on in my life.
So there you have it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Men, men, men, men, men, menmen, men, men

Can you tell I'm singing the theme song from
"Two and a Half Men"?
To be honest, I've never even seen the show,
but for some reason, it's going through my head.
I can't imagine why.

(images used are from
Createwings Design and
Valerie Brincheck of The Sum of All Crafts)


Today's word is
You Must Go

ESPECIALLY to see the sample picutre Marie has done for us!!
The Random Redhead Challenge #155 at
Tribute to Teens!
(and I realize it's due today)
So here it is:

The girls are stamps by Stamps Happen.Inc and Stampotique.

Cindy, on the left is a bit of a free spirit.
She tries to be Goth, but she likes pastel colours, so she doesn't really succeed.
And Elspeth, on the right does all Cindy's homework for her.
She has no sense of humour at all.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Christmas Hats!

Hi everybody!!
You play along with the girls over at Jingle Belles, right?
Well, no mind, I do.
This week's challenge is to create a card using a digital element.
Easy Peasy.
To make it even more fun, we were given a freebie digital stamp from Robyn's Fetish Digital Stamps and More to use!
Here is my contribution:
And here is your job.
Images used are by Lisa's Altered Art, Beth Rimmer and of course
Now, which part of this is the digital stamp?
(Tick, tick, tick)
You lose.
(just kidding)
And for fun this week, I'm entering this in the Anything Goes challenge over at The Robyn's Nest.
Take a walk over to I did It Creations and check out their fun digital stamps.
And then make a card of your own!
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. Why do I _do this to myself?_.
2. _I like to think I'll be there_ to stay.
3. By far the most important _thing is love_.
4. _All_ American. _Talent Show!_
5. But when _I said I could do this, I was in a blackout_.
6. _I could nap_ for the longest time.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a break_, tomorrow my plans include _The Farmer's Market and my birthday supper_ and Sunday, I want to _finish everything,m so I can list this place_!
See more Fill Ins right here!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quickie Post

I was sitting at my computer, minding my own business a little while ago and I realized, I hadn't made anything for Peggy Gatto's
and I really like to do that, you know.
So I did.
(with the exception of the gorgeous background given to us by Peggy)
are by Lisa's Altered Art and Joni Gray Designs.
Go Ahead.
You know you want to.

Birthday Giveaway!

Not mine, but a really terrific one, nonetheless!
Stacy of
Scrap With Stacy
 is having a giveaway to celebrate her birthday!

Will you just LOOK at all those treasures!

All the deets are at
her blog!

Yay for Lisa's Altered Art!

cus she sent ALL the files to me that I lost when my computer crashed free of charge!
And it was a LOT of files.
Makes me want to sing and dance.
But in lieu of that, I made this for her:

Hear that?  That's the sound of one hand clapping.
(The other is on my mouse.)
(PS, it's my belly-button birthday today, but don't tell anyone. It will be our secret.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My mailbox is so sad.  I haven't recieved any swaps for sooooooooooo looooooong.
Never mind I haven't signed up for any.
That's not the point.
BUT on my workdesk is an envelope ready to go, for a digital ATC Swap group I'm in.
That means I'll get something.
As soon as I'm settled in my new place, I'm going to sign up for every swap I can.
and then some.
wouldn't want to miss Halloween now, would I?
Go say HI to Julia at The Stamping Ground.
She'll let you look at her workdesk and show you many more.
Have a funny Wednesday.

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, September 12, 2011

Jingle Belles Rock.They do.They most certainly do rock.

This week the prompt at
was to include an ATC on your Christmas card this week.  Well, anyone who knows me knows there is no way I could pass this challenge up, even if it meant I would have to go out into the streets picking garbage off the street to use in it.
But luckily I didn't have to do that.
After some serious scratching of my head and searching,
I managed to find enough stuff to put together something that does exactly that: Includes an ATC.
Do you notice anything strange or a tad "wrong" with this card?
YES, THAT's IT!  You win the Toyota Tercel!
Yes indeedy, the darn words are upside down on the ATC.  I stamped the image upside down.
I don't care.
I shall send this one to a very dear friend, one who will understand and not judge me and love me anyways.
And if I can't find one of those, I'll send it to someone who doesn't read English.
There's always a way.


I needed to make something with one of the goregous Dezinaworld images. 
And there was a freebie on the weekend, so I did. 
The first in re-building my lost Dezinaworld collection.
Here you go:
Enjoy your Monday.
I certainly plan to.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Music is the Word

I've missed doing challenges. BIG-TIME missed doing challenges.
And I'm not back in the swing of things-may not be for a while
with this pending move and trying to sell this place and all...
I saw that Music was the chalolenge for this week over at Take A Word and I really wanted to take part.
But then I realized all my musi-cy digital elements are gone and
my real flesh and blood music-y papers and embellies are packed
and I almost gave up.
But then I was thinking of "Music" and whenever I think of "Music" our Rockie Mountains come to mind, so I thought, why not use one of my own photos of our mountains and see what develops?
So that's what I did.

Dancin with the Poobahs!

Will you just LOOK at that title!!
How cool is that?
The challenge (for the next two, count em, TWO weeks) over at good ol'
Order of the Opus Gluei
is to create somethying magnificent (or simply fun) which is related to
in some way.
You can do that.  You know you can.
why if you're not in the mood to make something, just put your PJ's on and videotape yourself dancing around the bedroom to some imaginary tune known only to you.
You can't NOT do this.

I cannot tell a lie.  With my studio in disarray, I went into my extensive stash of completed scrapbook albums, on a mission, with a particular little dancer in mind.
Here is what I was looking for:

Page One: Please take note of the journalling.

And Page Two:
Humphf.  THAT was money well spent.
Doesn't that little boy look like he'd rather be ANYWHERE else?

And still on the
I came across this LO:
Can't you just HEAR the music?
Last time indeed.
Now get your boogie on and join us!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

  Do they have _the patience it requires to do this?_.

2. _The other day_; it was as if _we lived in California_.

3. That was a _stupid thing to do_.

4. _At first it_ seemed so comfortable.

5. As I said, _here's a quarter, call someone who cares_.

6. _I promise to come up with_ some new twist.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _the Symphony_, tomorrow my plans include _a card class_ and Sunday, I want to _finsih what remains to be done on my condo so I can list it_!

See more Fill Ins here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm a big fan of Friday Foto Collage

and so I've stayed up way past my bedtime to play along this week.

If I'm cranky at work tomorrow (crankier than usual, that is), it's YOUR FAULT, Peggy Gatto!
Go tell her that will you?
She lives here
Well, she doesn't actually LIVE there.  No one actually LIVES is the Blogoverse.
Or do they?

Lets see...

it's Thursday.
Nothing much happening on Thursday.
One more day in the work week.
I think I'll make it...

If it were up to me, I would be this guy and that would be my job.
But alas, real life is not quite like that.
Oh well, it could be worse...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I just HAVE to show you this.
dear friends, is my studio 3 hours after I showed you that nice picture of my workdesk earlier today.
I had a carpet guy come, thinking he would repair the damaged my stupid (but I love her) cat had done,
and long story short, I not only had all the damage repaired,
I had new carpet installed in my bedroom.
Which meant I had to get all the furniture out.
My bedroom looks like it's in a show home now.
But I need to lay down.
Would someone please send some pizza?
Thank you.


OK, the main pile of paper is an album I'm making to take along on my trip to Quebec City at the end of October.  I started it and then lost it in the midst of my pending move.  Yay!  Found!
The stamp in the middle is my new fave!!
The skulls-Halloween-say no more.
The stamps at the top left.  won them, lost them, found them, will use them.
And on the right hand side, you`ll notice a tube of spackle. Which tells you I'm still busy fixing up my present condo to sell.  I will be SO glad when this is all done.
Let's see...
clean oven,
wash the rest of the windows,
move all bedroom furniture to studio so carpet can be replaced
sleep on couch again,
Now go see Julia at

the home of

Wordless Wednesday

(only in Canada)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hi strangers!
You won't believe this.
My computer crashed again.
This is a NEW, EXPENSIVE computer.
I am NOT a Happy Camper.
And OF COURSE my computer guy doesn't work on long weekends.
So here I am posting from work again.
It's no wonder I'm behind in my work.
OK, I'm done whining.
This LO was done way back when for Take A Word.
Way back when I had a computer.
I can't give credit for the elements in this piece, cus I lost all said elements.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. When I was 10 years old _I liked to sit on the backyard swing and make up nonsense songs_.
2. _Asparagus_ is my favorite vegetable because _it's yummy and funky looking_.
3. My dream pet is _the one I have now_.
4. _Inspiration_ surrounds you.
5. If I could live anywhere in the world I'd live in _my new condo_.
6. _May Creator's light_ keep on shinin' on me.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a nap after work_, tomorrow my plans include _a couple of galleries and the museum_ and Sunday, I want to _make some stuff and visit my bloggy friends_!
See more Friday Fill Ins here
and have a funny weekend!