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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Artist Trading Club-December

Chriss' theme for the Artist Trading Club-Swap Till You Drop December swap is
Ya know how a while ago I said I would try to post the supplies I use, more consistently?
Well, scratch that.  I have OODLES of stuff in my studio that I HAD to throw the packaging out from, to fit it in my room.  That's the truth.  So I can't tell you from where most stuff comes.
The good news is, my daughter's DH gave me a HUMUNGO Making Memories shelf (hah!  I knew who made the shelf, didn't I?) for Christmas and that threw me into an OCD fit and I've been cleaning and sorting and such and
You'll have to trust me on this one.
I love Christmas.
Don't you?
funny pictures - Cat Hit by Snow
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Scribble Stain Distress

Linda's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge #24 is exactly that:  Scribble Stain Distress.
Do you know what that is exactly?  Hah!  I'm not going to tell you.  You need to open your Mr. H's book to page 34 and learn it for yourself.  THEN, you need to make something with it and get on over to StudioL3 and post what it is you've made.  Get busy.  You might want to have it done before New Year's Eve, so you can get plastered if that's your thing.  You shouldn't be doing this technique when you're plastered.  Not that I would know if that's REALLY a bad thing.  Just sayin.
Hey, why is New Year's Eve capitalized?  Is it someone famous' birthday?  Or do we get candy?  I never know what the deal is.  I just live in my own little world.  But it's OK.  They know me here.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Last WOYWW of 2010

In case you're wondering, the canvas on the left is going to be for my 2010 Dress Up dresses.
I saw a couple of other participants mount them in this way and I loved the idea, so, well...
And the rest?  I'm trying to get caught up on some photos from early 2010.

See more What's On Your Workdesk Wednesdays here

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More on Music

I had planned to write a little bit with my last post about why music is so important to me.  BUT, I was late getting my sample posted, so I didn't do that.  Many MANY years ago, when I was adopted, the birth parent was permitted to make some requests of the adoptive parents.  My birth mother wanted me to be raised with music.  So, I learned to play a number of instruments-in fact, I won a scholarship to the International Peace Gardens Music Camp when I was in my early teens.
I've tried to do the same with my daughter.  She also learned to play different instruments, culminating in a tuba duet in her last year of high school (now where IS that DVD?)
Her high school band played with an adult orchestra and I chaperoned some of their trips to competitions.  The long and short of this is that I cried, every time they played.
An important Christmas tradition I have is that I attend the Sing-along Messiah, first, with the Philharmonic Orchestra, and then in an old church, with other like-minded folk.  I do it alone.  I look forward to it each year.  I always cry when we get to the Halleluiah Chorus.  (Did I spell that right?  Geesh!)
It's worth noting that I'm always lost when I sing along, but sing along I do.  Kind of like Christmas Carols, I know the first line and then hollar out the rest as "La, la, la, la, la!"
You do that too.  You know you do.
ANYWAYS, that my story about music.  It's the single most important thing in my life that makes everything OK when it's not OK.
Thanks for listening.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Oh Arrgh, apparently I'm 16 hours behind Marie of Take A Word !  I'll make this quick-  Here is my sample for the theme of "Music":
Please accept my apologies for the lateness of this, I had good intentions.  And thank you Marie, for giving me this opportunity!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

At the time of this posting,  you can find 193 more Wordless Wednesdays here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Over at Take A Word this week's theme is Celebrate.
I had some trouble coming up with anything and then decided it didn't have to be something "traditional" like a birthday or, first, we celebrate this gentleman getting a date.
I mean, LOOK at him.

we celebrate the birth of these little birdies.
(I have no idea when Cardinals are born, but it seemed December-ish and besides, magpies are SO annoying.)
Click on each image to see the fine print.
(and the little birdies.)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dress Up 2011

Yesiree folks, the Dress-Up projects continues!
Angela of Sew Loquacious has agreed to take on the task of hosting the coming year's Dress-Up challenge.
She has some exciting new ideas, so hop on over to here blog to get all the deets!
Challenge #30 at Digital Whisper is to use this image in a project.
Here is my project:
It's digital.  That's about all I can say.
If you go visit Digital Whisper please tell Kimmie I sent you.  And tell her thanks for the super inspiration she gives us each week!

If you make it, we will come.

Challenge #83 at The Order of the Opus Gluei is to make something.  anything.  Wow, how much easier could this be?  In the spirit of the holiday season, I cheated.  Well, not cheated, exactly, but I took a picture of a wall quilt I made years ago when I was a quilter.  It's supposed to be poinsettias, but I used non-poinsettias colours, just to be different.  That's how I am.  Let's just be different.
It's framed, is behind glass and hangs in my bathroom.  Why in your bathroom?  you ask.
Because it matches the colours in there and I'm running out of wall space.  When I move into a smaller place, I'm going to have a challenge.  Maybe a sale.  Or maybe a giveaway.  Something, anyways.
OK Poobahs, there you have it.  Now you can come.  You said you would.  I'm waiting.  I have the kettle on.  And cookies.  Hurry up....

Friday Fill Ins

1. What in the world _is going on with the weather in eastern North America?
2. _There is no reason on earth that I should not be_ well fed.
3. Go _forth and multiply_. (I have no idea why that comes to mind)
4. _Creator_ sent _me angels who saved my life.
5. I keep _telling myself to go to bed early, but I never seem to do that_.
6. _Have a funny day_ or not.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _spending some time with a friend to talk about my brother who died this week_, tomorrow my plans include _wrapping Christmas presents_ and Sunday, I want to _get to the Messiah Sing-Along early so I can sit at the front of the church_!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One World, One Heart 2011

SOON, it will be time for this wondrous event again!
This was how I met so many of my blogland friends last year, and those friendships have blossomed into something far more special than I ever imagined.
You'll want to check it out!

December Dress

We've come to the end of a marvelous year of fancy dresses, a la Margaret of Dress-Up 2010 fame.

I'm so sorry to see it end.  BUT. I'm thinking someone may carry on for Margaret, possibly.  Margaret deserves a life, after all.  tee hee

Here is my dress for December:
It's a wedding dress.  The rest of the Dress-Up world created lovely wedding dresses in June, of course.  Me, I'm a little slow on the uptake.
I found a vintage pillowcase at the thrift store and I (yes, I know, I'm so ashamed) cut it up for this dress.  If I can lose about 100 pounds, I can sew myself a nice little bolero out of the rest.  When that happens, you'll be the first to know.
Here's a closer look:

OBVIOUSLY, there is a lovely vintage corset covered with lace and pearls which the bride will wear underneath this-it even has a push-up bra and garter belt with Swarovski crystals attached.  But you can't see it.  It's private. 
I'm about the last person to post this month's dress, but if you head over to aliceandcamilla, you'll see why it's been such a delight and an honour to be a part of this yearlong event.
Hats off to Margaret for her super idea and all her hard work hosting this!

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday

And What's On Yours?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yes, it's changed again.

I hated my last blog background.  Nothing about the background, it was just that every time I opened my blog, I felt nauseous.  So I had to change it.  For the record, I spent A LONG TIME creating my own holiday background, following instructions I found online, and I couldn't install it.  No matter what I did.  (Have a mentioned blooger hates me-wait-is it that I hate blogger?  Yeah, that's it.  Have I mentioned I hate blogger?)  At any rate, I like this one.  spent about an hour at work today finding it.  Oops.  did I say that out loud?  I know, I should have been working.  We had our staff Christmas luncheon and Secret Santa today and I got a
Michaels gift card!!!!!
I love Santa.
Must go shopping now.
Gotta run.
Later Gator.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rock Candy Distress Stickles Childhood!

I combined two challenges this week, Take A Word with their fun theme of Childhood and Linda's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge 24
Great combination, doncha think?
Can you see the rock candy?
Here, look closer...
This is a picture frame, in case you can't tell, and it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTMAS!!
What a rebel I am!!!
My plan was to put a photo of either me as a little girl or my own girl as a little girl, but alas, I didn't get to that.  Besides this little girl from Lisa's Altered Art is much sweeter than either of us.
Not cuter, just sweeter.
Notice the ruler?  I found that at a garage sale and it's even carved with the name of a little kid (boy, not girl, but nonetheless, childhood is gender-neutral).  Isn't it perfect?
And while I'm at it, I was remembering some of the things my mother used to do to torutre me when I was at her mercy, things like perming my hair, from the age of 6 on, forcing me to watch the Sound of Music, (OK, that was much later, but it still made me mad) and dressing me up like her own little Shirley Temple.
THIS is what I say to her!
Rest her soul.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jeannettte of Soartful Challenges has given us a pink Christmas tree to play with this week.
I have no problem imagining a pink Christmas tree in my home, in fact, when my daughter was little (and I was a broke single mom) I bought a tomato cage and covered it with a pink garland I had gotten at some garage sale the year before.  I put it in her room and each year, she woke up to a new pink ornament on her very own tree.  There is a smaller version of it in my kitchen now.  My PINK and brown kitchen :-)
Here's my take on it:

The thoughtful little girl and the two images which aren't a pink tree are from Lisa's Altered Art.
Thanks for visiting.

Digital Whisper-Lights

This week for Digital Whisper #29.
I believe.
Do you?

I'm Frosted!

Well, not ME actually, although I spent a couple of hours at the zoo tonight and the temperature is 15 below zero.  So I'm damn chilly.  Does that count?  Well, it should.
The Poobahs over at

I thought a snow-woman would suffice.
BUT, in my blurfing the other night I found a cool site that probably everyone but me already knows about:
and I thought it looked like fun. 
So here is my card contribution.
That's right, I Said CARD.
We all know I hate making cards.  Well, I have mellowed, my friends.  I may actually be starting to enjoy making cards a teeny tiny bit.  Not sure.  Stranger things have happened.
Anyways, here it is:
This is also
Notice the roofs. or is that rooves.  Oh whatever.  There you have it.
But that's not all!
Page Maps also have a LO contest going on.
Fun, Fun, Fun!
And you thought I'd been laying on the couch eating bon bons.
OK, it's way past my bedtime. 
Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
Oh wait, according to CNN, that's actually become an issue again.  Bedbugs.
Good Grief.
I take it back.
Just sleep.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fill Ins #203

1. I wish _the world was safe and full of love_.
2. _IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!_...that's what I'm thinking.
3. Please bring _chips and dip.  Hurry!_.
4. _My daughter_ is so amazing.
5. One of my fondest hopes _is to see her fulfill her dreams_.
6. _I'm so glad I tried this blog thing_ and I just wanted to say thank you.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _dinner with a friend_, tomorrow my plans include _lunch with friends and Zoolights with another friend_ and Sunday, I want to _finish a couple of projects I'm working on_.
See lots more Fill-Ins here

Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm not allowing myself

to sit at the puter tonight.  When I do that, and start to make "just one little thing" in the realm of digital art, I don't get anything else done.  NOR do I get to bed on time.  NOR (as was the case this morning) do I get up for work on time.  BAD Electra!
SO, I've got nothing for ya tonight.    Just a couple of thoughts.

Well, OK, I got one thing done.
but I didn't do it on the puter!
Stay warm, my friends.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

All 11, count em, 11 images of the women are from
I'll bet your eyes aren't good enough to find them all.
Oops, I'm not being wordless.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chestnut Theme Challenge 81, and...

is the theme for
I was in a somewhat silly mood when I did this.

But so that you don't think I'm a total dork with the creative capabilities of a kindergartner (not that I have ANYTHING against the average kindergartner),
here is what I did last night, after my Family Portrait:

A little different than the first.
I want you to know that I tracked down each and every snow-person on my Gingersnap LO, downloaded each individually, extracted the little suckers from their backgrounds, and placed them in the portrait.
you know how it is when you're trying to get the family together for a picture.
I'm exhausted.
Thanks for looking.

Monday, December 6, 2010

As you can see,

I'm playing serious catchup with my posts.  Been busy doing other stuff...
This is just because it's December and I think I should be making some Christmassy stuff.
The image is from Lisa's Altered Art.
Ho Ho Ho!

ACF 98th!

Isn't this a cool background?  Very unusual:
Isn't this a cool background?
Very unusual.
I struggled to decide what to do with this:
That's the mark of a great challenge, IMO. 
That it CHALLENGES you.  tee hee

You've Got Mail!

This week at Take A Word, they have given us the word "Mail" to play with.
He's pining.  Isn't that a great word: pining?
I think so.
Have you made yours yet?  Why not?
You have a whole week, better get busy!

Vintage Hues

Gingersnap Creations' Colour Challenge #80 is "Vintage Hues".
Here's mine:

A big THANKS to Gingersnap Creations for another awesome challenge!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sadie's Pretty Background

I love Digital Whisper.  I'm so glad I found it.
Here is my contribution for this week, using a terrific background by Sadie:
I took my spectacles off and shoved my nose up to the computer monitor and read the handwriting on the collage before I decided what to make.  It' s a letter about this woman who has some unexpected heathen-ish visitors and how she got out of what turned out to be a very difficult situation.
It's pretty wild.
I'm not going to tell you the whole story.
You need to take off your own spectacles and go see for yourself:
PS.  Did you get a look at that cat's face?  I think he was there.

Friday, December 3, 2010

This Friday's Fill Ins

1. The best thing about a birthday celebration is _how nice people are to you. (sometimes)_.
2. _It seems like I'm keeping pace with_ the passage of time.
3. I went shopping recently and the most interesting thing I bought was _Chai tea, which I hate_.
4. _Catopoly is a _somewhat addictive_ child's game _that my daughter and I would play for days on end. (but we would stop to eat.)_.
5. The reason is _I'm sick of listening to you argue with staff_.
6. _When I lived in "Winterpeg", it seemed like for 8 months of the year we had_ snow and cold.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _not being on call for the first time in ages_, tomorrow my plans include _a cookie walk and Handel's Messiah_ and Sunday, I want to _stay home and keep my PJ's on al day_!

In case you can't tell, I'm at work and dealing with some problems.
Oh well, it passes.  It ALL passes, eventually.
You'll see lots more Fill Ins here
Have a funny weekend!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some ATC's

 Here are some that have arrived at their destinations, so I'm not spoiling anyone's surprise.

"Where do you work?"  (don't ask)

"The Brain"

"Aqua"  (as in aquarium)
"Your country"


I rest my case.