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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chestnut Theme Challenge 81, and...

is the theme for
I was in a somewhat silly mood when I did this.

But so that you don't think I'm a total dork with the creative capabilities of a kindergartner (not that I have ANYTHING against the average kindergartner),
here is what I did last night, after my Family Portrait:

A little different than the first.
I want you to know that I tracked down each and every snow-person on my Gingersnap LO, downloaded each individually, extracted the little suckers from their backgrounds, and placed them in the portrait.
you know how it is when you're trying to get the family together for a picture.
I'm exhausted.
Thanks for looking.


  1. Terrific work and it makes you smile to look at it. Annette x

  2. Good grief you've been busy...... I'm spending ages just looking at your work. No wonder there's no time left to do anything of my own!!

    And you might like this blog: I was blurfing and found it today.


  3. This is such fantastic fun, you did such a great job getting the family together .. no wonder that you are exhausted! (lol)
    Thanks for joining the frosty fun at Gingersnap Creations.

  4. All three of these are great! That last piece is so .... so something. It really catches me. I love it.

  5. This is REALLY cool, and I bet it took a lot of work, and yes, you should be exhausted. I'm exhausted just looking at it...

  6. I really like the Snow family reunion, they get a bad rep sometimes when people say they are cold or frosty - but I think they are quite wonderful! I also am intrigued by your other projects, you have been BUSY.


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