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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bird Soup

This morning I checked out the Order of the Opus Gluei and their challenge #50 is BIRDS. I don't want you to think I don't have a life and so could immediately drop everything and create something for this challenge, but I'm into sitting at the computer this morning, doing nothing of any consequence really. (Except that my daughter and her DH are coming for supper, so I better get my rear in gear soon). So this is was I came up with. I must have been hungry as I made this (you'll figure it out) and it's no secret that I'm not a big fan of birds at the best of times. They are yummy though. At any rate, I've used some clip art from Freubel (in particular, the bust, and the arches. I love her stuff. The rest of the ingredients (for my soup) are assorted downloads from the Internet. I'm well aware this won't win any awards for techniques, but I had a lot of fun doing it and find comfort in the fact that I may have reduced the bird population by one or two. TTFN


  1. Well, I must say, this is a very creative assemblage. All different sorts of .... well, birds! lol. The images are great, love how you put everything together, and of course, very humorous!

  2. This is just brilliant, Electra! I love it, and I'm even a vegetarian! So, those are truly some mad art-making skills you're working, girl! You never fail to make me smile. :-)

  3. Oooo this is seriously good. My favourite is the ghoulish lady waiting in the wings (oops, pun not intended) with a seagull on the barbeque. Wish I had your eye.

  4. LOL - I'm glad you have your priorities straight! Opus Gluei and then everything else! Love that you took the time to participate in the challenge and hope you were able to get everything else in order for the rest of your day!

    Love the birds, but that goes without saying. These are great!

  5. Fabulous art Electra you may not have all the time in the world to get crafty but boy you use your time well me lovely.

    These are all beautiful and I wouldn't mind them in my collection :D

    Your blog is a breath of fresh air you always make me smile and finally after what seems a million attempts over the weeks... blogger has let me join your followers...whoooohoooo

    Have a great day
    Chris xx

  6. LOL! Your comment about them being yummy just caught me! HA! Great collage!

  7. I love the sense of humor in your work - very funny. Not your usual warm and fuzzy view of birds, is it? Hah - - Julie

  8. bird soup and thundersnow in one week.

    left you a comment on the thunder snow.

    take care

    chriss x

  9. Whistle clap cheer, Chris, I'm so glad you've joined us!

  10. YUMMY. THis is terrific. You are so very creative. Love every bit of this. Perfect for Opus Gluei. I am so very happy you play with us.


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