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Friday, April 30, 2010


It's been a year, 52, count em 52 weeks of challenges from the Poobahs at The Order of the Opus Gluei! and if you haven't gone over there lately, I really hope you take this opportunity to do so. These ladies (Jana and Rosemary) are a couple of the funnest, sweetest, most creative ladies I know and I'm so glad I found them. You know, I wonder sometimes why someone would take the time (and it does take time) to post a challenge every single week for folks they haven't even met. I've concluded it's just cus they are generous, love to create and see what others create, and love to have a good time.
So this is a big shout out and an even bigger Thank You to both of the Poobahs. YOU ROCK!!!


  1. YOU ROCK. Thank you for the wishes and the shout out. As for why we started the challenges and keep doing them:

    A. We are attention mongers.
    B. We want more friends.
    C. We are exhibitionists.
    D. We are usually drunk and don't remember what we do at times.
    E. It just sounded like fun.

    Take your pick.

    Thanks again. It's wonderful to have made such good friends. I am so glad we did it.

  2. That Jana, she's a funny one! lol I pick letter D. Kidding. Very cool layout, love the viking hats!

  3. Oh my gosh, you are making me get teary. One of the coolest things about Opus Gluei (and there are many) is that we meet really wonderful ladies here in the blogosphere. That said, thank you so much for such kind words - it really is great that you love our blog.

    Jana - I can't believe you gave away all our creative secrets. (Oh, that we had time for ITEM D)

  4. The Viking helmets do rule, don't they? LOL

  5. Well, now I've gotta join up with these cool ladies! Thanks for the tip, Electra, and your LO rocks the Cazbah!


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