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Saturday, April 3, 2010


As I wait for this image to upload, I realize, I should have posted this pic of the collection (so far) first. for some reason, I can't seem to get it through my head the order Blogger does things in. Probably the dyslexia. Should I capitalize "blogger"? Are there Blogger police waiting behind the couch for me to make a grammatical error? Anyways, here are my dresses for Dress Up 2010 What fun this challenge is!
Hey, how would you describe an agnostic dyslexic?
Someone who spends her time wondering if there is a dog.
Have a funny day!

PS: My previous post has the actual April dress on it.(Brain fart)


  1. So, my mouth dropped open and I made a little happy squeal when I saw this piece! That's cute-- the GOOD kind of cute!-- and I love it!

  2. Oh squealing united!! love your wardrobe, fab background paper!! and your dresses look gorgeous together! Margaretx

  3. BIG WOW on the lovely selection in your pretty wardrobe.
    So colorful and beautiful!
    *ggg* sometimes I marvel that I have a blog at all ... I am actually a low tech person ;)

  4. This looks awesome mom!!! You should give it to me ha ha!!

    Love you and miss you, hope your having a good weekend. <3

  5. rofl...Electra I love to visit your blog... your sense of humour always sends me away with a grin on my face :D
    Your dresses look so beautiful altogether ... oh I need a wardrobe now too!!
    Chris xx

  6. Oh I love your wardrobe!!! I just jumped in on this and am trying to figure out how to put the hangers on the dress, guess I'll just wing it. I think your blog is fabulous!!! Marva

  7. Your wardrobe is fantastic. At least I know it's not digital (grin). I really enjoy seeing all your lovely dresses together in a row. It won't be long and that wardrobe will be overflowing.

  8. I'm SO lost trying to figure out the whole wardrobe and dresses thing, but who cares, from where I've come in to the topic its FABULOUS. Love what you're doing, and if this is something ongoing, keep it up. Its awesome.

  9. Wow a wonderful wardrobe and the April dress is stunning ..ove green.

    one day I will get around tp getting mine done onmy blog over here

    hope to see you there.

    look for ward to seeing your Vintage ATC's.

    chriss x

  10. Completely awesome, dude-ette. Love it! Do you need to wear hose with those?

  11. Oooooh. I love your dresses. And you wardrobe is perfect too. I have been toying with this project. Should I or shouldn't I. Well it was settled a few days ago when I caught my middle daughter trying to throw out some doll clothes stencils. I know, I know. I have failed as a crafty mom. (insert heavy sigh here) At any rate, I saw this as a sign. I MUST par-take in this dress project. I mean the stencils have actual metal hangers too. So be on the look-out...

  12. aww spectacular wardrobe, just stunning and dont they look gorgeous hanging it...

  13. I love these, this is making me have happy memories of my Barbies and hanging their clothes up (didn't last long, this I'm sure will). This is such a cool project.

  14. Tights Lori, op-art-patterend tights. thick ones. And Jana, quit sighing and get to it! I can hardly wait to see what you come up with!

  15. This is so freaking awesome!!!!

  16. this is SOSOSOSOSO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

    beautiful colors! how darling!

  17. Love the wardrobe, they all look so wonderful hung up together :-)


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