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Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Police Helicopter

is outside tonight. AGAIN. It's outside a lot. It's not that I live in an especially bad neighbourhood. It's just that there are a lot of busy criminals out there. I used to go the window and watch when I would hear the HAWKS (that's what they call it), just out of curiosity, or nosiness, or maybe I just don't have a life, who knows. Anyways, one night, it sounded like it was really close and so I waddled outside in my housecoat (it was dark, so no one could see me) and looked up to the sky to see what I could see. Yup, there it was, the helicopter. flying around. looking for bad guys. GOOD WORK GUYS! I thought to myself, secure in the knowledge that they were keeping the world safe for me and mine. THEN, I was standing in a bright, blindingly bright, actual pool of white light and I realized, they had their spotlight on me! ME! Little old, never been in a bit of trouble (that I was caught for) me! Oh crap! I ran back inside and slammed the door shut. Sat down on the couch and once my heart stopped pounding I began to process the event. Let's see, they are up in the sky looking for bad guys. I am out there watching. They see movement in my yard. in the dark. in the place where they are looking for the bad guys. the bad guys who were probably in my back yard at that very moment. Ergo, they shine their spotlight on me. Duh. I haven't done that since. And that was, I think, in 1983.


  1. You're hilarious, Electra!

    That's some way cool art you've got up top there, too. ♥

  2. I can relate to the little darling on the tank. I used to wear my dresses to play war with the boys in the neighboorhood when I was young. ALL of these ATC's are great. You are too funny going out to see the helicopters looking for the bad guys. Glad you decided to stay inside now.

  3. Here we call them Bears in the air. hee hee. Very funny story, didn't cross your mind to flash them with the housecoat? lol. Great ATC's there, too, by the way, as usual.


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