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Friday, December 17, 2010

If you make it, we will come.

Challenge #83 at The Order of the Opus Gluei is to make something.  anything.  Wow, how much easier could this be?  In the spirit of the holiday season, I cheated.  Well, not cheated, exactly, but I took a picture of a wall quilt I made years ago when I was a quilter.  It's supposed to be poinsettias, but I used non-poinsettias colours, just to be different.  That's how I am.  Let's just be different.
It's framed, is behind glass and hangs in my bathroom.  Why in your bathroom?  you ask.
Because it matches the colours in there and I'm running out of wall space.  When I move into a smaller place, I'm going to have a challenge.  Maybe a sale.  Or maybe a giveaway.  Something, anyways.
OK Poobahs, there you have it.  Now you can come.  You said you would.  I'm waiting.  I have the kettle on.  And cookies.  Hurry up....


  1. Gorgeous quilt. I love that you used not-poinsetta colors. I'm pretty sure that you didn't cheat. LOL. Okay, now where are those cookies. I would like seconds please. It's been a heck of a week...

  2. Wow Electra the colours are fab. Annette x

  3. beautiful quilt!!! I don't think it is cheating! mmm, cookies! I hope you have a good time making the cookies! Make some for me!

  4. Well, you are quite the quilter! Gorgeous, eye popping colors!

  5. You never cease to amaze me - you are a quilter? Beautiful work here and the colors are lovely, I love the vitality of them (and so they aren't traditional, that's okay in my book). I would love to visit western Canada, I so loved it when I was there in my childhood (you know, not THAT long ago. OKay, it was a long time ago). I have to grab Jana and get up there for tea and biscuits!!!!

  6. Was just blog hopping to kill time, and this caught my eye, WOW all my fav colours, it's amazing, if you want to make space for something else, i'll buy it, 'cos it is stunning, pretty please. Wendy xx

  7. Have the cookies got lots of chocolate in them? Cos if that's a "Yes", I'm there........

    LOVE this quilt, and love the news that its in your bathroom. Why care what anyone thinks of that? People who wrinkle their noses must have boring homes. My bathroom has a painting by a friend, a carving my cousin gave me for hristmas one year, some glass sculptures, oh nad some soap and a shower too..........

  8. WOW how clever are you missus. 'Tis really special and the colours are jewel like.
    Beautiful work... your talents are endless my friend...I'm not surprised you framed it and you SHOULD display it with pride.
    Chris xx

  9. Love the fun colors for your quilt! Now, where are those cookies? ;)
    Seriously though, fun to take 'traditional' and twist it up.


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