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Sunday, November 14, 2010

June's Favourite Season

June at Soartful Challenges has graciously given us this image to work with this week:
It just so happens that her favourite season is Fall and so is mine.
Here is my attempt to celebrate that:
The background photo is one of mine (Hah!  I know the credit for that one!)

When I went to post this, I learned that in a frenzy of photo-editing last night, I deleted it.  So having just spent quite some time finding it (in the recycle bin, bless it's little hard-drive heart), I shan't say any more.  don't want to jinx it. Whew!
Remember, you can click on the picture to make it larger.
**with apologies to William James, the authour of the quote, I've taken the liberty of feminizing it."


  1. Oh wow I love what you have done with this picture and really made it your own. Annette x

  2. Looks spectacular, as always, gf!

  3. it's beautiful!
    I love the colors..great photo:)

  4. I'm so glad that you recovered this. It is just fabulous. I almost missed that cute owl. Beautiful piece. Thanks for being Soartful this week.


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