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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I was late for work this morning

But I had a very good reason. Lately, there has been a lot of humidity in the air, very unusual for us here. Usually, our skin peels off in sheets in the winter if we don't moisturize. In fact, we had to buy alcohol-free hand sanitizer where I work, when the H1N1 scare came out, cus the alcohol would dry our hands so much, we wouldn't be able to work. But I digress. Anyways, there I was, driving in to work and there was this marvelous hoar frost on all the trees and it was just like waking up in a Christmas Card! It's been like this for a few days now, but the humidity hasn't abated and the frost has just been getting thicker and thicker. Well, I drive by this lovely park each morning and somehow, my truck turned into the park of its own accord, without my help, I want you to know and then, well, I was there anyways, so I got out and took a few pictures. Then I drove a bit further and had to get out and take a few more. And then I went by the river and...are ya with me?
anyways, I'm glad I'm the boss, as I didn't quite get in at my normal time. Nuff said, you can take a look at the pics.
Also, since this is supposed to be blog about stuff I make, and it seems like I've mostly been posting photos lately, I am also sharing with you a picture of a journal page I've done. I don't want you to think that I'm not making stuff, just taking pictures. I only do that when I'm supposed to be at work. :-))


  1. Well, at least you got some incredible photos!

  2. Hi Electra, your snow pic are wonderful. G. Alexandra

  3. marvellous the way you talk on your blog as it makes me laugh and I like that alluring book at the top

  4. Thanks ladies, I appreciate your kind words!

  5. I love the name of your blog! And from the looks of your header it's so not true. I like your journal page too. I think most people who are into anything artsy love taking pictures. Yours are very nice.

  6. A blog about stuff you made? Au contraire, it's also about YOU and this makes YOU you. I love that you took the time to get the pretty pics. This hoar frost makes for some awesome views, I wonder how hard it is on the trees - worse or about the same as ice?

    You just keep the posts exactly the way you have been, they are wonderful to read and look at the pretty photos!

  7. I think the frost may be good for the trees, we get so little moisture normally. but I'm guessing.


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