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Monday, February 15, 2010

Learning Encaustic

I'm taking an online Encaustic Art class. BUT the supplies for it were so expensive that I just bought some beeswax and told myself I would "audit" the class, as if I were a visiting professor. :-) I've downloaded the class notes and to tell you the truth, without this long list of expensive supplies, there isn't a whole lot I can do, so I threw the instructions in the garbage (the one in my studio, so it isn't as bad as it sounds) and put some beeswax in my melting pot. I should say that I watched Suze Weinberg demonstrating at CHS-she's my artist hero-and so I had a bit of an idea what I was doing. (The cat by the way is from Lisa's Altered Art and the other images are simply downloaded from the internet.) But I digress.
So I painted some cardstock with this wax and it melted my brush. Mind you, I'd probably had this particular brush since my girl was learning to use poster paints many moons ago, so it didn't matter much. Got another brush and tried again. Woah, this is way fun! As I do with any little projects I get a mind to try, I immediately went all OCD and made a journal page and six ATC's. THEN, I cleaned out the melting pot and started melting my UTEE and covering various and sundry chipboard in psychadelic colours. THEN, I made 10 more ATCS. Then I made some butterflies and birds and blinged them up. (Or is that "blung"?) THEN I made some molds for the UTEE from some charms I had. I tried to talk the cat into stepping into some UTEE so I could have an adorable little pawprint embellie, but she would have none of it. some folks just don't understand that you have to sacrifice for great art. So, it's been a busy day. A good day.
I won't bore you with all photos of all of this paraphenalia, just a few shots of the first ATC's. I had such fun, collaging and carving and rearranging and, and. I think this may be my new hobby. After I get the photo-editing on the last 1200 photos done. Oh gosh, I'm tired now. Good night.


  1. Oh, I just love encaustic work! I don't have a melting pot so I haven't tried it yet, but I am going to have to break down eventually. I love the first piece you have up there! That phrase is just awesome! Would you mind if I used that on a piece of my own sometime?

  2. These look so good, I'm impressed by your OCD - the results are awesome. Cat should have played along, a slightly singed paw is nothing in the name of art!

  3. btw, that second ATC made me giggle - how true!

    Oh, and about my LO's - yep, it is wonderful to be carving out some project completion! They aren't perfect but they are perfect to ME!

  4. Nice work! Encaustics are as amazing as your imagination, just let it flow!

  5. Great ATC's. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I have to agree, when you are on a roll, don't stop. Just keep going. Silly cat not cooperating is just, well, crazy.

  6. Love beeswax. Your ATC's are great,flippin' hilarious, actually, but, erm, I want to see the UTEE stuff too, girl! Love Suze.

  7. I will post some Lori, thanks for your sweet comments!


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