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Monday, February 15, 2010

We have a winner!!

Congratulations to Holly from It's The Little Things #811 on our Magic Carpet ride
who has one our dear Elspeth. Upon hearing that she was going to mover to Minnesota, Elspeth has been packing her parka and snowshoes. They're little snowshoes, granted but they are snowshoes nevertheless. She's quite excited, actually (I can hear her calling in the backgournd, asking me if I have a second suitcase she can borrow) LIKE I'D EVER SEE IT AGAIN!! Anyways, I've grown to love Elspeth and I shall miss her terribly, but from the sounds of Holly and her family she'll be in good hands. (Pssst, I did NOT tell her you go camping, best to ease her into that little fact). Congrats Holly!


  1. congratulations! You participated in the OWOH giveaway on my blog and while you did not win the window star, you mentioned in your post that you like my felt and stitch ACEOs, so I decided to give them to you. You did not leave me an e-mail adress, though! can you please send me a mail so we can dicuss the details?
    Hugs from very cold vienna,

  2. Electra,
    This is Lonnie Bullington of LJ Studios. You did my friend win my White Rabbit. Please e-mail me. I am glad he is coming to you.

  3. Hi there!

    You won my heart pendant over at Tropical Blonde! Please zip an email over to kathryn7 at gmail dot com so we can work out the shipping :)

  4. Hey Electra, you must be a very lucky person because you won also one of my felt frog bead tutorials!

    Please send me an e-mail. My address is in my blog profile.

    Fluffy regards from Hungary
    Corinna the Fiber Taming Felt Artist

  5. Holy Cow, am I EVER lucky! I thought it was pretty special to be able to visit as many blogs as I did, through the OWOH Magic Carpet Ride, and to see all the amazing artwork that I saw. So to win, let alone to win four times, is beyond my wildest dreams! thanks so much ladies for your generosity!

  6. Well hopefully all these wins will help sooth the moving on to pastures new of our dear Elspeth!
    And I didn't win her - sob!
    Now that I hear more about her she sounds kind of high maintenance and I don't have a suitcase at all.
    Well, now you ask, no, I suppose I don't get out much!

  7. Sounds like Elspeth is off to a great home. The camping will do her good.


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