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Monday, February 1, 2010

Home now

OK, so I'm back home now, safe and sound, albeit not real pleased by the snow. The flight attendant on the plane said "Are you folks SURE you want to leave Palm Springs and go back to Canada????" Groans from all. :-)
Long story short, I did end up leaving the place where I was staying and spent the rest of my vacation in Palm Springs, doing all sorts of fun stuff. I took 693 pictures while I was there. NO, I won't post them all here. Bet you're glad to hear that. I will post some, just to show some of the cool places I saw and things I did in those last 3 days on my own. On Thursday evening, after I got settled in my motel, I walked to Villagefest, the weekly street fair. It was OK, some interesting things to see. The strangest thing I ever did see there tho was this little booth. There was a lineup to talk to this gentleman. Go figure. I couldn't think of anything to ask him myself. Although in retrospect, maybe my soul needed saving after the events of the week. Naah, I'm OK with my soul.


  1. Oh doggone it, I think you should have come up with some good question for the rabbi! How fun is that? Only in California, folks, only in California.

    I'm so glad you're back. I'm starting at your first post here (well, you know what I mean) and then working forward to enjoy all the yummy bloggyness!!!!

  2. Kuddos to you for staying and venturing out on your own for the remainder of your vacation.
    You should have asked him how he knows for sure the Jesus isn't God's son. That would have thrown him for a loop.
    Sorry about you having to leave the sunshine. I SO relate to you.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!