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Monday, February 15, 2010

My little girl is growin' up.

I did a lot of creating today. Loved every minute of it. I'll post a bit in a minute.
My daughter came home from University for "reading week" and she had to take the Greyhound Bus (poor kid) because my old truck that I gave her passed on to the great big junk yard in the sky. So first on her agenda was to get some kind of a vehicle.
I've kind of been losing sleep as I didn't have any idea how I could help her out financially and when she asked me what she should do, I couldn't really come up with anything reasonably intelligent to suggest.
Long story short, she and her beau went out yesterday and today and looked at new and used cars. She came home and told me she could put $5000.00 down and manage the payments on an almost new-little car. I about dropped my teeth. We talked for awhile and looked at some options and I wasn't too sure what she was going to do when she left this morning. I had told her that I would co-sign a loan for her. She called me later and asked if she could come and get me in the car she hoped to buy, and I got myself cleaned up and off we went. It's a neat little number, stick shift, 4 cylinder, brand new snow tires (which in case you don't live in Canada is a MUST), plus the summer tires. She would get a $1000.00 cash incentive, cus I have a Toyota truck, and good interest rate, and on and on and on and you know what? She got them down to a reasonable price. She then told me she could put $7000.00 cash down and the payments would be only a couple of hundred a month. Excuse me, say what?
I knew she is good with her money, but I didn't know she was THAT good. Long story short, by this time Wednesday, the girl should be tooling around in a 2010 Toyota Corolla, fully loaded, I might add.
Holy poo! I am SO PROUD of this kid. She's earned this. She's worked hard and saved and managed her money (all the while continuing to eat, something which I can't say I was always sure I could do when I was in University). I say "Go Girl!"
You've done well, my love, very very well. Enjoy your new car!


  1. You done good with that girl of yours, she's really very responsible and this is fantastic! Give yourself a pat on the back for raising such a mature young woman!

  2. What a wonderful milestone. She's a gem, for sure. Good job mom.


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