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Friday, February 5, 2010

Opus Challenge #40

OK, I know, I know. I already did the Soup to Nuts challenge. and hey, while I'm on the subject, I am so very glad I caught up on my Shuttercal project. Once I began posting, I started getting compliments and good comments and my self confidence about my photography skills has increased substantially. So thanks Poobahs for the nudge! Since that went so well, I've made a decision to work on and hopefuly (but probably not) finish my Summer Vacation album. The trip was in July. Need I say more? I've done 142 pages (I counted them, just to be sure) and have about 40 more to go. Will I get them done this weekend? Who knows? But I'm back at it, at any rate. And that, as Martha would say, is a good thing.
Tomorrow's post will be my giveaway for the One World, One Heart blog event, or maybe I will even post it later tonight. I don't seem to have the wherewithall to accomplish anything else after the long work week. And I am SO excited about it. See you later.


  1. Multiple entries are certainly allowed at OG. Heck, we are happy with one, estatic with two, but don't try for 3. We may end up in coma's in the hospital.
    I love both of these layouts. The comic on the one is too funny. And the stitching for your route on the bottom one is just clever. Love them. Thanks for playing with us at Opus Gluei. Again this week.

  2. I am with Jana - it is cool to see that you were inspired for TWO projects!

    This is a fantastic project - good on you for deciding to finish it up. I love both pages but I am just blown away by the great idea of using those state-shaped magnets as elements. I collect those too! You have an awesome sense of style!

  3. Your vacation project is really cool! Glad you got to visit my home state, Arizona, and see all the wonderful sights there are here in the Copper State. Did you get to see Four Corners as well?? Hope so! It is awesome!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!