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Friday, February 12, 2010


Normally I would be posting this week's Friday Fill-ins, but I just spent three hours watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and I am still in awe. I cried lots, for different reasons: 1. Canadian pride 2. how beautiful it all was 3. fond memories of 1988 when we had the Games here in Calgary 4. sadness for the young man from Georgia who died in a luge accident today
I've posted this digital LO that I did a while back-I had cut out this newspaper picture (w-a-a-a-y back in '88) and dug it out. Of course it was faded and crumpled, as it was about 20 years old, but I scanned it anyways and then put the rest of it together. My best friend had died just before the games and her daughters gave me her ticket for the figure skating finals. So I was there when our Elizabeth won the silver medal. It was so AMAZING! I still remember it like it was yesterday-we all went crazy. A once in a lifetime event. I ran some restaurants downtown and the atheletes would come in and end up dancing in the aisles with us and singing-what a blast. and each night there were fireworks over the city-we stood right underneath them every night. The Calgary Tower (for years the tallest building in the city) was lit up as the Olympic Cauldrun. They lit it again a few weeks back when the torch came through town. Super stuff.
Now I'm not really into sports. Not at all. But there is something about the youth and the calibre of the athletes, and the passion and the drama that gives me tingles. And we Canadians aren't much for big displays of patriotism, but I always (quietly) tear up when our national anthem is played and well, the pomp and majesty of it all just about killed me. Weeping. But I'll never admit it. We Canadians say "Please" and "Thank you" and that's about the extent of it.
So I cried. I'll deny it if you tell anyone.


  1. Your layout is fantastic! I'm sure it brings back fond memories. We're watching the Olympics as well. I, too, am not a sports person, but I do watch the winter Olympics. Since I'm in the US, I'm rooting for the home team, but just hope for everyone there are no more tragedies. Enjoy!

  2. There is definitely something special and unique about the olympics and the feelings it inspires. And a wonderul piece commemorating Calgary.

  3. Hi Electra!! (waving across Calgary!!) I love this layout too, that pic is AWESOME!!! good for you for keeping such things.....I wish I had kept more!! I was only in Gr. 12 but remember it like it was yesterday!!!! SOOO glad to be Calgarian!!!! Hope to see more of your work!!!!

  4. I have always loved the Olympics and it was a very moving and beautiful opening ceremonies. I thought some of the effects were fantastic and immediately recognized Donald Sutherland's voice! The whales moving across the floor of the arena and the aerialist across the waving plains were two moments that took my breath away. The inclusion of the aboriginal Canadian people was a wonderful portion and they looked as though they were enjoying themselves immensely! Well done, Canada, well done! (and thank you, ma'am)

  5. WOW. This layout is amazing. Love the color set against the black. I tear up when the USA national anthem is heard too. I loved this Olympic's opening ceremony. I really liked that the athletes were sat before the show. Very classy.


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