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Monday, February 1, 2010

Tahquitz Canyon

I hiked 2, count em 2 miles through this amazing canyon on Indian land. (This is the lady who would drive her truck to the bathroom if she could.) I was puffin away and one (much younger) gentleman looked at me and suggested I try the trail on the other side of the canyon as he said it wasn't quite so steep. I would have, if I could have found it. Anyways, it involved some climbing of rocks and such and at the end of the trail in was this lovely waterfall. I DID take the other trail back, but it turns out, he was right, it wasn't quite so steep on the way there, but I was going in THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!! Damn near killed me. My daughter would have been proud of me. I can still barely walk tho and that was 3 days ago. Wowzers.


  1. Man, that is a hike. I'd have probably gotten crappy with Mr. Young'un Helper but that's just because I'm in a feisty mood! Such pretty pics you post. It is snowing to beat the band here and seeing some bright colors is so pleasing to the eye! like a sorbet palette cleanser for the soul!!!

  2. Oh, you make me miss the hikes in CA. I used to live in the San Fran bay area, and the Muir woods just north are FABULOUS for hiking. It's so beautiful, you get the urge to hike frequently, and thus get in "hiking condition".
    Don't listen to Rosemary, I have heard her threaten bodily harm for bad advice regarding a "short" walk...


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